Time Marches On

March 2, 2011 at 12:27 am

Time Marches On … Right Across Your Face

“Time is a cruel thief to rob us of our former self.”

-Elizabeth Forsythe Hailey

It feels like yesterday we were watching the ball drop in Times Square. Yet March is upon us already. With two months of 2011 under our belts, we have all undoubtedly had some highs and lows. If you aren’t keeping a journal, don’t worry, your skin is a good historian … literally designed to “remember” every laugh, frown and smirk.

While many of us enjoy looking back and reminiscing, few of us want the memories “lining” our faces. This desire to look younger has become almost a universal mindset. Once reserved primarily for women in their fifties, 20-year-olds have now become the largest consumer group of anti-aging skincare.

The good news is that no matter your age, taking steps to fight back against Father Time will serve your skin well for years to come. Tune in to Derm RF this month for Dr. Rodan’s and Dr. Fields’ top tips for looking younger, the key anti-aging ingredients to look for, a chance to win our patent-pending AMP MD™ system, and much more.


Your Derm RF Team


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