Common Questions

February 26, 2011 at 1:12 am


February 25, 2011

I just moved to Colorado and have experienced a drastic change in my usually combination skin—it’s bone dry!

Here are some high altitude tips for you:

  • Slather on extra moisturizer in the morning and at night.
  • UV radiation increases 10–12% for every 3,000 feet of elevation, so even if you can’t see the sun, apply sunscreen with antioxidants to protect your skin.
  • Don’t forget to protect your lips as well. The sun can be relentless at higher altitudes, especially in states like Colorado, where the sun shines more than three hundred days a year.

My Doctor told me that I have seborrheic dermatitis and nothing he has given me has helped. Do you have a heavy moisturizer?

Like acne, seborrheic dermatitis is initiated by androgenic hormones and is a common

inflammatory disease of the skin known as dandruff in its mildest form. It appears as red, inflamed patches covered by oily or dry scales that may feel chapped or itchy. It can be found on the scalp, eyebrows, nose folds, temples and beard area. When localized on the face, we refer to it as “facial dandruff.” It can be caused by excessive oil production brought on by hormones or stress, a change in environment, and an inflammatory reaction to yeast. This is often worse in the winter because of the lack of humidity. Like many skin conditions, there is a genetic component, so if your parents suffer with it, you are more prone to experience it as well.

You will need more than a heavy moisturizer. Each product in the SOOTHE Regimen has been carefully formulated with ingredients and medicines specifically designed to address the causes and manifestations of sensitive skin, i.e., disruption of the skin’s outer barrier, moisture loss, redness, dryness, burning and stinging. Within days to weeks depending on the severity of your condition, your skin will feel comfortable, smooth and soft with a visible reduction of facial redness.

Entry filed under: Common Questions.

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