Damaged Goods

I’m a finicky reader when it comes to my graphic novel acquisitions. I don’t really like anything less than near mint.

An unrelated question to all the Photoshop users out there: When it comes time to replace CS6 or any older version still being used, will you be upgrading to the Creative Cloud, or will you be seeking out alternatives?

14 thoughts on “Damaged Goods

    1. Nice. I’ll be using CS6 for next couple of years or so; after that upgrading to CS Cloud will be inevitable. None of the alternatives are as good as Adobe PhotoShop. Gimp just doesn’t cut it. Cheers.

  1. This looks a little different to the comics book I have on the bookshelves…..
    I Intend to download (today) Photomatix pro, and play around with it. Now I have PaintShopPro 14.

  2. Staying with “near mint” will only protect your investment, and it will be something you can be proud of. I suppose the “if-you-can-afford-it” caveat works here. The books you show look very clean with vibrant colors. Nice. I’ve been using CS3 and I had to scrimp to buy it. It isn’t going anywhere. I was saving for CS6, but I’ll wait to see what other options appear. Again, nice work on the photos.

  3. Adobe should have never been allowed to buy Macromedia giving them a monopoly in the graphics arena. I use CS6 but I don’t think I will upgrade any further, I still have to use Indesign and Illustrator CS5 as none of the people I work with could be bothered to upgrade to CS6 and Illustrator and Indesign are not backwardly compatible.

  4. Still working on CS4 myself, and feel very little reason to upgrade at all, certainly not to creative cloud. Another Adobe ploy to increase their bottom line!

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