New Bedding…


This year, Husband and I wimped out for Christmas.  Really.  We each ordered our own presents, and called it a day.  We had been needing new bedding, and I had been wanting new bedding for more than a year.  So, I ordered some.  I was good, and waited until Christmas to open my gifts, and spent all day yesterday washing, and making my bed.

You have to wash bedding before you put it onto your bed.  It’s a must.  Not only will it be softer, but is the event that it come from a factory infested with bedbugs, you will kill the eggs.  Yuck.  Another thing I always do when the bed is stripped, is vacuum the mattress.  I’m not the only person that does this, I promise, and you will be amazed by all the stuff that ends up in the canister.  I know it sounds gross, but someone should tell you, it isn’t just dust in there.  Well, I mean technically it is, but dust is made primarily of sloughed skin, so that’s what you’ve been sleeping in.  Yumm!

I also rotated the mattress.  Our’s is a pillow-top type, so we can’t flip it, but I try to rotate it at least twice a year.  This will, along with that vacuuming, help to extend the life of the mattress, especially if your sleeping partner is a different weight than yourself.  After all of this, I finally got the new sheets, bedspread, and duvet onto the bed.

It wasn’t until after I made the bed that I realized just how sad my old pillow shams were.  They used to be white, and against the old white bedspread, they still looked it.  Against the new, white bedspread, not so much.  I guess I’ll head out to get new ones today.  Maybe I can catch a sale!

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