Halloween Costume…

Halloween is over, and I am ready to move on to Thanksgiving.  But, before I do, I promised I’d share Son’s costume with you all, and here it is.


We are a household that firmly believes costumes should be made.  It’s a rule.  And I, personally, don’t like scary, gross costumes; I’m more of the creative type.  Son had wanted to be a robot since we first mentioned dressing up for Halloween, so we thought we would oblige.  I bought a one-piece pajama set, and sewed pieces of cording onto the arms and legs.  It took me about 30 minutes a stripe!  Maybe I’m just slow.  Then, Husband took a diaper box, tape, and glue and made the body.  He pasted the letter A on the front, and covered it in metal tape.  I glued little wooden buttons on for rivets.  The helmet we already had – it’s supposed to be for racecar drivers.

We handed him his homemade trick or treat bag, and sent him on his way.  Well, not quite.  I went with him.  Everybody loved his costume, and he really cleaned up!  What’s even better is that it didn’t cost us much.

Oh, and he had so much fun scaring all the other trick or treater after we finished making our rounds, that next year, we might just let him be Chucky.  He’s got a pretty good scary-laugh.

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One response to “Halloween Costume…

  1. Donna

    I love unreservedly halloween costumes that employ aluminum foil! So cute!

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