Medical update — 070510

I think I’m going to stop using phrases like: “Things are going swimmingly,” and “All is well.”  I’m learning that every time I put those words to print, they come back to bite me.

Such is the case today.  Just when I start wondering again why I’m needed here, the answer comes quite clearly.  Mom fell in the bathroom again.  Here’s the story – twice – first from the nurses at Piedmont Place.

I got a call early this morning from the charge nurse who informed me that Mom had been discovered on her bathroom floor, unconscious.  They quickly determined that she hadn’t been harmed in any physical way, but just as quickly learned that her blood pressure was alarmingly low.  Several additional readings throughout the night were all low.  The reason is not yet known.  But the PP Nurse Practitioner has stopped Mom’s blood pressure medication for a couple of days while discovery takes place.  The NP will examine Mom on Tuesday.

Quick doses of things like Diet Coke do wonders in a situation like this.  Mom’s BP reading have been normal throughout the day.

Now Mom’s version of the same story.  She called me at about ten this morning wanting to tell me what happened overnight (not knowing that I already knew).  She said that she’d fallen in front of the bathroom door.  She didn’t know why.  Pop came and picked her up, but wouldn’t pull the nurse-call alarm.  After that, she doesn’t really remember what happened.  She did eat breakfast, and she knows that her BP is fine now.  “All is well.”

Mom called both Elizabeth and Michael this morning to send her best 4th of July wishes.  I wonder what she may have told them about this.

It’s been a few months since Mom has fallen.  I find it curious that this has occurred after reuniting with Pop in the same room.  Maybe I’m reading something into this that doesn’t actually belong here.  But it kinda makes ya wonder…

About FredMarx

Smart enough to keep learning. Old enough to have wisdom.
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