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2011 UFO Summary December 20, 2011

Posted by Pam in KC in Uncategorized.

Judy challenged us to finish 12 UFOs this year.  Since my stack of UFOs is considerably larger than 12, I made two lists.  The goal of List A was to get the top done.  List B had quilts I wanted quilted and bound.  There were 4 quilts on both lists as they were quilt-as-you-go.

In the images below, the left side is where I started and the right is where I finished, unless otherwise noted.

A1 – Mom’s 4-Patch Stacked Posies – This was a quilt my mom started in 2008.  I brought it  home to finished after she passed away in March 2010.

B1 – Red, White, and Blue Baby 2 – This quilt top was from the Spring of 2008. It’s now quilted and bound.

A2 – True Friends – I won this kit many years ago and started it in 2006 when I found out my husband’s niece was expecting.  When I found out she was expecting twins, it was set aside so I could make a pair of quilts.  Now it is quilted and bound.

B2 – Fireworks Over John Deere.  – this quilt top was completed at a quilt retreat in April 2008.  I think that year I my goal was to make 12 baby quilts for charity — I think I only got 6 quilted.  But this one is quilted now. The backing is from a John Deere pillow panel.

A3 – 2006 Retreat Mystery – The border blocks are from the mystery quilt which I didn’t complete.  The center star from my orphan box.  My goal – get the top complete which I did in November.

B3 – Thangles BOM1 – I didn’t think all of the blocks went together well, so split them into two quilt tops back in 2008.  It’s been waiting to be quilted — and still is.

A4 – Red, White and Blue Sampler – these blocks started off with 7  shop hop quilt and 6 birthday swap blocks.  I finished up the shop hop blocks and added a few of my own blocks bring the total up to 20 — then stalled trying to figure out my setting.

B4  – Thangles BOM 2 -This is the other Thangles quilt.  No work was done on it.

A5 – Victory Quilt – Started in 2008, I only had 7 blocks completed.  I’ve now got 15 done and there are still a few more to do.  I’m not sure what this quilt will look like when it’s finished, but it is a further along than it was.

B5 – Glenwood Avenue/Baby Glow – I had 4 leftover blocks from a swap in 2008, so I sewed them together for a baby quilt, but then didn’t get it quilted.  I can cross it off my list now.

6A – 2008 Charm Challenge/ 3 Sisters Choice.  Like the name implies, this quilt was started in 2008.  Between two cutting mistakes and a passed deadline, the pieces sat until this challenge.  Not only was this the first quilt top I finished this year, it was my first completed quilt of the year.

6B – Scrap 5-Patches – a few days after finishing 3 Sisters Choice, I quilted this quilt top from August 2009.

7A – Mom’s Baby Chain of Stars – This is another of my mom’s UFOs.  I finished the top and quilted it in August.  It will go to one of her great-grandbabies.

7B – Carolina Christmas Baby 1 – a relatively new quilt top completed in May 2010, I quilted it in March.

8A – Christmas Row Swap.  I received the blocks in October 2008 and finally got them into a top this past year. I’m still thinking about the quilting.

8B – Was supposed to be quilting No Blue Geese in my Tropical Garden, but by the time January rolled around, I had already finished the quilt.  So, I said I would pick another quilt off my To Be Quilted tab.  8 was called in June and that was the month I was finishing up quilts to deliver while we were on vacation.  I quilted 4 quilts off my list:  Victoria’s Rose, The Chain Event (twice!), Ribbon Candy, and Kansas Spirit.

Now to the quilts on both lists.

9 – Green and Cream Swap (Fall 2006)  – There are twenty blocks and I had 12 of them into rows when I started and another 8 ready to be quilted.  Not much progress was made — although I did get seams between the blocks stitched down and two rows sewn together.

10 – Dresden Plate (2006) – It took a little over two months to get this quilt finished, as I was still piecing the blocks! The plates are from a skirt my mom made me and the backing is from her stash.

11 – Compass Lone Star – this quilt has been in the works for nearly 5 years.  I started the quilting in the background of the center star, but had to rip it out.  Then I discovered I didn’t have enough background fabric to finish the quilt, but found a shirt that is a close match.  I plan to quilt on it after Christmas, so perhaps I’ll finish this quilt shortly after the first of the year.

12 – Hancock Stars BOM (2005) – #12 is December’s #.  Since I’m doing this is a quilt as you go and I pre-washed my batting (don’t ask) it’s all packed in a suitcase sitting between my sewing table and the window, where I put it after I photographed it last December.  I threw the towel in on this one about mid-November.  But, on a more positive note, I learned some things this year which should make putting the quilt together easier when I do get to it.

So, the tally from the challenge:

  • Finished 13 quilts
  • Completed 3 tops
  • Made progress on 4 quilt tops
  • Didn’t touch 3 challenge quilts

With all of this progress, my net UFO count is down only 8, as I started a few new projects – OK 10 — but I’ve finished two and should have a 3rd finished by the end of the year.

Bottom line – I’m moving in the correct direction.  Now can I keep it up next year?

To see how others did with their challenges, check out the links over at Patchwork Times.

UPDATE:  I re-read Judy’s post.  She’s looking for our 2012 Challenge Lists.  Mine can be found on the 2012 UFO Challenge.



1. Mary C in WA - December 20, 2011

I like your report and how you showed before and after photos. I’m always amazed with your progress. I remember following your Quilt Challenge before your Trip, you were zooming. Good luck next year.

2. Linda in Calif. - December 20, 2011

This may not be the 2012 list I was expecting – but it just was a lot more fun!! I love seeing the progress you have made with each quilt. I’ll say you are moving in the right direction.

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