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Adam Lambert’s Idol Feast – Semifinals

May 5, 2012

“Because he is a pumpkin pie of a person” — Quotes about Adam from TWOP’s “Jacob”. Reposted by Gypsy Scribbles, These are so vivid and entertaining, they just called out to be combined with the performance videos for a multimedia journey back down this beloved memory lane.

…Wow. I don’t have the words to codify this experience. It’s sort of like getting held down and… snuggled to death… by the boys of Bel Ami. I don’t feel overwhelmingly violated? And I can’t say I’m not enjoying myself?

Adam Lambert just basically did a Normund Gentle skit about dudes literally fucking — to the tune of “Satisfaction” — and I find I have no ill will toward him at all: it’s “Tainted Love” all over again, but like the person holding the sledgehammer this time actually knows what to do with it.

Randy’s like, “I AM IN LOVE WITH YOU.” Then he makes a list of every boys’ name he — or I — ever scrawled on a Trapper Keeper: “It’s Steven Tyler meets Fall Out Boy meets Robert Pattinson!” I cannot believe that Randy Jackson just named Robert Pattinson as his number three crush. That is so magical. I want to watch Twilight with Randy Jackson. That is a lie, because obviously really I want to watch Twilight with Ryan Seacrest, but Randy can come.

And so then most awesomely that’s exactly what happens — Ryan’s like, “Edward Cullen! He called you Edward!” — and then even more awesomely Adam Lambert is like, “I know! My favorite book!” And it’s… Is this what it’s going to be like this year? Ryan and Randy and Adam squealing about Twilight and climbing all over each other? Is Adam Lambert the Peter Sarsgaard of this show and can turn everybody gay even your boyfriend? I know I, for one, feel a little bit gayer than when we started. Don’t you? Thanks, Adam.


Nick or Adam. I prefer Adam pretty much every way there is, but it’s still pretty awesome that it comes down to this. Nick is going home, and Adam is through to the Top 12. Everybody cheers for Nick, and Adam is all about him, and then sings his little song again. And the fact that it’s a note-for-note, shot-for-shot reiteration of last night is more than anything comforting, because it means that this is an act and not a psychotic sex break, and he’s capable of turning it on and off.

7 Comments leave one →
  1. May 5, 2012 8:46 pm

    …and the rest is history.

    I still, and always will, love that Idol journey. I always get that “what will he do next” excitement. I don’t care how famous he gets these will always be special. ♥

  2. buffy522 permalink
    May 5, 2012 11:32 pm

    I can never resist watching again. I still love the intros and judges comments too. You can see he has been consistent over the years. He tells Simon, “well, you love it or hate it, that’s what music is” and he still says that.

  3. annehedonia permalink
    May 6, 2012 12:36 pm

    There’s the rest of singing humanity, and then there’s Adam. Yeah, he broke Idol, but you can’t compare the incomparable with… the rest. It’s just not fare to compare! These taped performances are still exciting and I miss this experience!

  4. annehedonia permalink
    May 6, 2012 12:44 pm

    Oh, and p.s.: Sometime in the past year, I had occasion to watch most of the AI8 vids again, and what stands out (other than the obvious) is Paula’s incredible and unwavering support for Adam. Space-cadet-queen and other such descriptions aside, she really was his angel.

    • May 6, 2012 10:10 pm

      I think we can call her the first Glambert. She fell hard & fast, and she gave him a necklace at the end. Not surprised they have remained friends.

  5. buffy522 permalink
    May 6, 2012 10:15 pm

    The album is leaking right now. Go to twitter!

  6. Zoey permalink
    May 7, 2012 9:14 am

    Sorry but I do NOT understand a thing ??? What is this about??? Does anyone speak ENGLISH????? Just saying !!!

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