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Reflections On the Meaning of Adam Lambert

September 12, 2011


Chill People!

by Xena

Photo by Bernadette Chursin

There is a reason Juneau and I write a blog called “On the Meaning of Adam Lambert”. It’s a sincere and authentic expression of our thoughts, ruminations, passions and the occasional witty bits. It is who we are now, since ignited by that singer guy two and a half years ago, inspired to follow our passions and be open to new things.

Juneau and I have found no end of areas to explore to gain a deeper appreciation of Adam and his art and to share it with our dear readers. We view this creative period for Adam as an opportunity to refocus ourselves from daily gossip and the breathless pursuit of all the mundane activities punctuated by the special events in Adam’s life. It’s frustrating to see so many fans missing this wonderful opportunity to think, reflect, be challenged, learn something.  Instead some spend their time worrying over – what? Someone else’s worries, not ours.

One tweet from Adam and Twitter is sent into paroxysms of fretting while Facebook implodes from the wails and  handwringing to rival the hired mourners at a Macedonian funeral. You think I’m exaggerating? It’s 6:30 a.m. where I am, and Adam tweeted over the past hour:

 2:30 a.m.

adamlambert And FYI I’m working hard this week and next to finish up all these amazing new tunes! Thank you all for staying patient… I’m excited too!

adamlambert I’m 90% sure the first single will be out next month (ish) 🙂 album coming early 2012!

 3:30 a.m.

adamlambert There is still lots of work to be done but I promise: you won’t be disappointed!

You thought it was an earthquake in the middle of the night?  No, just a couple of tweets from @adamlambert and the earth moved!

I’m still up because Dr. Xena P. Warrior got involved talking a few people down from the ledges they perched on at this news. I don’t worry about Adam but I find myself concerned about the health of his fans and our friends!  Some won’t even listen to any other music even though Adam encourages us to learn about so many different artists and genres. Adam and his music opened us up to music again, remember?

Forgive me please, but some fans just nag, beg or grovel for a morsel or the release date for new music.

I’m reminded of some colleagues, bosses or my mother hovering over my shoulder: “Aren’t you finished yet?” “We’re all waiting for you” “When will it be ready just so I know” “You haven’t called me in two weeks” “Are you going to finish that before I die?” “I know it’s not cooked but I want some” “Just gimme what ya got” “Can I help?” “I can’t see you doing anything” !!!  Arghhh, leave me alone!! I’m thinking!

As much as possible, I ignored them and ultimately completed things to my satisfaction and theirs. What perturbed them most was my serene appearance.  Is that bothering the fans about Adam?  He seems energized and happy to me. No complaints, found a work/play balance in life with time for family and friends. So why the Greek chorus chanting of impatience and fear?

As everyone knows, I personally have never met Adam or spoken with him so I am just speculating that fretful fans would not be thrilling to him.  He has earned each opportunity to work with other creative and successful artists, and no one knows better than he does what’s at stake with his second album. We expect that for all his success at achieving equanimity, he has his heart-racing moments of lying sleepless at night. He doesn’t need fans to stir up more anxiety. 

We are not meant to be celibate nuns and monks who spend our days in contemplation of he who is to be worshipped and copying out his music with quill pens on vellum. We should be revelling in the joy, community, art and encouragement of self-expression if we want to show Adam’s effect on our lives.

Shortly before the 6.7 Twitterquake hit, I had spent a very pleasant and fascinating hour or so, chatting on line with a young poet and rap lyricist about his art. One poem spoke to me. Two years ago I would no more have looked up a rap artist, listened to his poetry and music, then contacted him, than hitchhiked across the Gobi.  A benefit of being a fan of Adam Lambert. My eyes and ears are tuned differently now to accept more and reject less.  Now I can barely sleep for all the possibilities I see.

To put a sobering context on these events, this happened in the early hours of September 12th. Weren’t we glued to the TV for so much of the weekend as the events and losses of ten years ago were commemorated? And what have we learned in that decade? We learned that much work needs to be done to repair the world. And that each and every day of life is a blessing, to be cherished, celebrated and experienced to the fullest.

p.s. this is dedicated to Kathy, Nick and Sher

46 Comments leave one →
  1. TLKC permalink
    September 13, 2011 8:48 am

    I haven’t read any other blogs or heard too many comments at this point. The only site I frequent had a mature discussion reflecting significant disappointment and, yes, some concern about the possible impact of the delay on Adam’s career.

    It’s okay to be disappointed (I count myself in that number.) Frankly, the day Adam’s fans aren’t disappointed by somthing like this is the day he doesn’t have any fans.

    Can’t see the need for anyone to scold Adam or to scold other fans. It is what it is.

  2. Ali permalink
    September 13, 2011 6:58 pm

    Great observation. It’s amazing what Adam accomplished, never lip synching, never compromising his effort and never missing a performance. This is also true of his band and dancers with the one (?) night exception of Tommy when his dad was ill.

    I saw Gaga, and it was almost all lip syncing. Very little substance. It was all about her, whereas Adam’s performance was all about entertaining his fans. I like and respect Gaga’s talent, but honestly (and I’m not one bit prejudiced), she’s not in Adam’s league.

  3. Anjalee336 permalink
    September 14, 2011 11:47 am

    I really enjoy your blog Xena. I think its because you and Juneau are interesting human beings who have achieved things in your own right, and casting your attention on Adam, then makes for a deeper and more exciting result than what is mostly found around the traps. Im constantly looking for “what makes Adam great” – i think he is great – a hugely talented, and love driven soul. And your blog is a great place to find deeper discussions.

    Er…this isnt very relevant to the issue at hand is it? OK…so on THAT i had a concern he was bringing his album out too soon when he said the fall, so Im pleased he’s pushed it back. I love “outlaws of love”. I also want him to write some angry, raw, hurt songs – ones that dont necessarily have a positive end but are just a cathartic release of emotion – because he has the emotional range for that. But thats just my perspective – the artist must be free!

    Cheers, A

  4. sizzlingsmile permalink
    September 19, 2011 2:20 am

    Adam should take all the time he needs with his album until he is 100% satisfied. Considering the great news that there will be a single soon, I am actually relieved that he is waiting with the album release. This way he has more time for promotion! I do miss him but it is time to put selfishness aside and not put extra pressure on him to “finish”. After all, he does not rely on “writing camps” but is heavily involved himself! We are talking about art.

  5. September 20, 2011 2:36 am

    Though I am excited and impatiently waiting to hear Adam’s new music, I’m very glad that he’s taking the time he thinks he need. The pressure must be sometimes just huge and I think it’s a good sign he refuses to act on it. It says a lot about his appreciation of music and his art.
    “My eyes and ears are tuned differently now to accept more and reject less.” This sentence from your blog text is just so to the point, about his music, about other artists’ music, about Adam’s personality, attitude and how he has affected us, his fans.
    And thank you, Juneau & Xena for this great blog!

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