World Cup Windows

Various, London

With the World Cup well on the way, I thought it would be good to have a look at stores promoting their stock with the event. Harrods have installed their whole run into World Class travel offer and sports stock.

Harrods, metal world shapes and background vacuum forms by Prop Studios.

Harrods and world-class travel.  They very often have luxury travel goods in their windows. With their customers travelling this much, I am surprised their have any time to shop at Harrods..

This is one of their small-scale windows. I think it quite successfully combines fashion with football which is not that easy to do.

Peter Jones are relying their customers on watching the game at home on a new television.

MCM, Sloane Street have designed a football related travel goods range. I have to say I would not buy that bum bag no matter how expensive it is.

Austin Reed, Piccadilly.

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