The Gentlemen’s Alliance Cross Photoshoot [2011]

I’d picked up my first DSLR, a Canon EOS 60D w/ 18-135mm lens, a few days before FanimeCon 2011.

Once I charged up the battery and figured out how to turn it on, I decided I was ready for my very first photoshoot! ^_^b

Thanks so much to the awesome Aoi Mizuno and shyot for agreeing to be my guinea pigs, muahaha!

First, they got me up to speed on their characters from The Gentlemen’s Alliance Cross, Ushio Amamiya and Yoshitaka “Maora” Ichinomiya.

Apparently, Ushio is a tsundere. Based on some of the characters I like (Haruhi from Haruhi Suzumiya, Natsuki from Mai-HiME), I guess that happens to be one of my favorite types. ^^;

It also makes this one where she smiles all the more full of win. xD

Maora is actually a guy… who dresses as a girl. So this is technically not a crossplay… I think. :3a

We shot at Plaza De Cesar Chavez, which is right near the convention center. There wasn’t a whole lot of folks there, which was good for us.

They’re such pros that they suggested poses and locations; I didn’t do much directing at all!

Of course, I still managed to totally pooch things b/c I was messing with my camera the night before and it was set to ISO6400. Everything came out super grainy. :<

Afterwards, we went to Bijan Bakery & Cafe for some keeki (cake).

I had them do everything in character so I could keep shooting! xD

It was very good keeki, even if Ushio looks like she wasn’t enjoying herself. ^^;

Check out the full set of photos here!

Full Coverage of FanimeCon 2011:

FanimeCon 2011, Days 1-4
The Gentlemen’s Alliance Cross Photoshoot

5 Responses to The Gentlemen’s Alliance Cross Photoshoot [2011]

  1. […] got to do my very first photoshoot with my super-awesome friends Aoi Mizuno and shyot, who were cosplaying as characters from The […]

  2. kladionice says:


    […]The Gentlemen’s Alliance Cross Photoshoot « That Just Figures![…]…

  3. […] actually watched before. I only caught the latter part of it since I was dining with my friends Aoi Mizuno and shyot when it began (photoshoot with Aoi coming […]

  4. Anonymous says:

    Hi! I have gone ahead and bookmarked on Facebook so my friends can see it too. I just used The Gentlemen’s Alliance Cross Photoshoot That Just Figures! as the entry in my bookmark, as I figured if it is good enough for you to title your blog post that, then you probably would like to see it bookmarked the same way.

  5. […] it was after sundown, I had to once again de-noise my photos. […]

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