Buzz off: Disabling Google Buzz – HOWTO

Tips on how to turn off Google Buzz.

Buzz off: Disabling Google Buzz | Webware – CNET

My colleague Molly Wood called it a privacy nightmare, but to many, Google’s new social-networking tool Buzz is at its root an unwanted, unasked for pest. The way some of us see it, we didn’t opt in to some newfangled Twitter system and we don’t particularly want to see updates from contacts we never asked to follow creep up in our Buzz in-box. Call us what you will, but for curmudgeonly types like us, Buzz isn’t so much social networking as it is socially awkward networking. We tried it, we didn’t like it, and now it has to go.

Here’s how we silenced Buzz from the desktop.

~ by WPA Staff on February 22, 2010.

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