200 Quilts · Quilt Patterns

Riverside Sawtooth, a finished quilt top

Riverside Sawtooth_labeled

Riverside Sawtooth, the name I’ve given for this original block of mine, has been finished — or at least the top has. It is a compilation of bee blocks from the Mid-Century Bee, as well as several of mine.  I started making these in the Alison Glass blues fabric, but trying to describe what color of blue that was to people all over the United States was a challenge: I finally settled on “painter’s tape blue.”  I like this quilt not because of that color and that block, but also because it’s a scrappy two-color block.  Have a bunch of greens, or pinks, or reds that need to be gathered together into a quilt?  This would work great.

Riverside Sawtooth_small1

Through the process of arranging and cullling and making more blocks to balance colors, I had enough blocks for another small mini.

The genesis came from seeing a similar antique quilt, but that maker had done a more traditional construction (and sorry–there was no name on that old quilt).  I wanted to see if I could make it as a block, the sawtooth incorporated into the construction process.  It took me several weeks of working on it, then testing it.  I wrote up the pattern and sent it as a test block out to my beemates and incorporated their tips and tricks into the pattern wording.  Now thoroughly tested, I tweaked the pattern and at long last, have it available for download in my shops at Craftsy and PayHip (for EU customers).  The pattern includes lots of detailed photos and walks you through it the process, so it’s good for anyone’s set of skills, beyond the what-is-a-rotary-cutter-and-how-do-I-use-it barely beginning level.
Riverside Sawtooth_small2

Here’s another mini full of full dotty blocks.  I loved working in this tonality of blue — hey, I love blue in any tonality — but the inspiration of Alison Glass’ fabrics kicked me into finding blue fabrics that coordinated with hers.  The large quilt (72″ square) is in the line-up to be quilted, and then I’ll probably label it and get it up on the 200 Quilts list, but for now, I wanted to make it available to you, if you want to try your hand at an updated fun version of a block.

Riverside Sawtooth_detail1 Riverside Sawtooth_detail2 Riverside Sawtooth_detail3a Riverside Sawtooth_small3I’ve been working on a few more patterns and I’ll roll them out one by one over the next several weeks, as I get the typos expunged, the photographs completed and then uploaded for purchase.Riverside Sawtooth_small4

tiny nine patches

17 thoughts on “Riverside Sawtooth, a finished quilt top

  1. It’s such a striking and clever block Elizabeth! I’m so impressed with the bee members accurate sewing (that’s probably because of the well written pattern!) and how well the blocks play together so well! And such a clever name too!

  2. Love it! And isn’t that AG blue grouping fun – is what I used on my latest Four-in-Art mini. Brilliant!

  3. That is some serious blue goodness! I love that the quilt is traditional and modern at the same time. Really nice work (as usual)!

  4. Elizabeth, that is pretty spectacular! I do love two-color quilts. Of course, seeing the brilliant orange flowers in the middle of the mat makes me wonder about just changing the corner triangles… 🙂

  5. I love that color of blue, and the white as foil makes it even better. I also really like the dotty version, and the larger pieces make it look like something I could do. What is the finished size?

  6. A great design! I especially like that the sawtooth strip makes it look like the squares reverse when they don’t. At least I don’t think they do. And I like the idea of scraps in a two color quilt–amazing you could get such similar shades and values.

  7. It’s just gorgeous! You are so very talented. That was a challenging block for me, but I enjoyed it just the same : )

  8. It looks fabulous, Elizabeth. The blues are so lovely in their different shades throughout the quilt. I can’t imagine doing it in a traditional quilting method. It’s a winner!

  9. Amazing, as usual. I find myself curious about what the layout possibilities are. I’m trying to visualize a layout where the larger four-block square would have two sides of dark triangles and two sides of light triangles abutting. Maybe it’s the strips, but I wondered if it would be possible to lay it out so as to mimic some of the traditional log cabin layouts. I think I’m going to have to go to graph paper and colored pencils, unless I can find my EQ7 disk which I haven’t played with in a long time. But I really do love this quilt also. It isn’t paper pieced, is it? I would love to make it in general lights and darks, not limited to a particular color.

  10. Yep, that’s a really cool quilt top! The blues are electric, and the variety gives the design even more movement and life. Great design, and it was an honor to participate!

  11. Terrific design and terrific quilt – those strong bright blues. Blue and white is so classic and the variety you used makes this so fun!

  12. I really like this quilt color combination. Very calming. Perfect for a cabin in the Sawtooths (Idaho). Sis

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