I hate product ads that appear to be misleading and that are aimed at older people who might be a more vulnerable audience. Well, actually I hate any ads that seem targeted at groups that you think would know better but probably don’t. Like those ads selling you sacks of coins, where, who knows, there might be a rare and valuable coin inside. Or when you have 10 minutes to order your super, energy-saving, space heater before they are all sold out.

In Thursday’s Austin American Statesman (10-30-14), there was an ad for a health product that claimed “Drug companies fear release of ‘Jacked Up’ pill.” This is a product, that the ad asserts, will stimulate increased testosterone levels in men over 50 and that cites exceptional benefits of increased energy, focus, drive and libido. It also includes the usual disclaimer at the bottom in fine print, “These statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Results based on averages.”

So, within the above qualification, I will assume this product is meant for men in normal, good health who are experiencing a reduction in energy, focus, drive or libido, who may have lower testosterone, and who might, on the average, feel better if they take this product.

What this product might be is never stated but I’m going to guess it’s some herbal preparation. If you search for “herbs and testosterone” you will discover many, many options but none quite so abstract as the “jacked Up” product. I decided to go to my usual choice for herbal information: the American Botanical Council. See below for results. There are a lot of studies with a lot of results. Simply the diversity of citations is enough to warn one that there is no simple, “wonder” treatment here.

I also checked out another usual source, the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, but found nothing specific on “testosterone and herbs.”

Maybe “Jacked Up” is not based on an herb. Maybe it’s caffeine and sugar. I have no idea, but I would steer any client or friend away from such a source and send them instead to the literature and then to a licensed health care provider of their choice.


Results of a search for “testosterone” on the American Botanical Council web site: http://cms.herbalgram.org/searchresult.html?searchfor=testosterone&option=all&KY_WS_LOW=2636%7C2631%7C2626%7C2627%7C2629%7C2633%7C2638%7C2641%7C2888%7C6543%7C1%7C7107

Image Source: http://sdwriters.files.wordpress.com/2012/03/cocaine.jpg

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