First completed project of 25!

Maureen was the first person to contribute to my “25 Project”, she sent me her entire junk drawer…and while not within the singular theme, it was awesome!  There was just so much to choose from!  I had a difficult time choosing just one but in the end, I went with the pottery shards she sent.  Maureen has been collecting pottery from her gardens for the past 30 years and she has been saving them thinking she might do something with them someday.

This is precisely the type of project I was hoping that someone would send to me and I was soooo excited when I saw it.  The pottery is very beautiful, some very weathered and some not so much.  Most of the shards appear to be English but also a few pieces that seemed to hail from Asia.  Immediately I knew I wanted to make a necklace, it seemed so appropriate, to wear your collection that once sat in a drawer.

The only problem?  I never made jewelry before, aside from beading things with my children, but I knew I wanted to learn!  There is so much to consider….drape, weight, color…I went through a few styles and thankfully tried them on first because while some looked nice…on they looked pretty awful.  I have a whole new appreciation for you jewelry makers out there!  If you want to see the process I’ll be a guest blogger on Yankee Crafty Bitch and I’ll be discussing how I did this on Friday or Saturday, I’ll link to that when it’s up and running.

The end result turned out quite nicely, don’t you think?

I even made a pair of earrings….

Not too bad for a junk drawer find, no?

10 thoughts on “First completed project of 25!

  1. These are mine!! 30 years of gardening shards!! I love it!! I’m so thrilled and excited!!! Wow !!! Beaucoups merci!!!

  2. Pingback: Trials and tribulations of a pottery shard « liz noonan

  3. Pingback: Button, button, what to do with so many buttons???? « liz noonan

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