I’m very happy to report that Ming Li Tong Shu is now live and available.  We are confident that with this new formatting on the new server host there will be no further interruption to your service.  I will continue posting the Daily Pages through the first week of November here on Tong Shu Talk, and the earlier postings back to February will remain in the archives as well.

To check out the new launch, please log into tongshu.com and complete the registration process.  All previous subscriber accounts were lost when the old site was hacked, so if you wish to continue your subscription you will be creating a new account.  The subscription process for the new site is simple.  Payment is $5.97 per month by credit card.  You can cancel your subscription anytime.

Recreating your Subscription Account:

If you were subscribed to the old site when it was hacked, you will need to create a new account to use the re-launched site.  Your old ID is longer functional.

1.)  Subscribe to the new site.  This will require an active email address for your new sign-in identity, and payment through a credit card of $5.97 for the initial month. This initial payment is required by Stripe, our new hosting/payment processing company.

2.)  Reply to the technical team (via their email address:  “TongShu Admin” <tongshuonline@gmail.com ) with your new account email address and the words “Extend my free trial period” in the subject line.

3.)  Once verified, your second payment date will be shifted past the default 30 days to the appropriate date in the future.

You will receive an email from them with this new date, when your credit card will begin to be automatically charged monthly.  After this second charge at that date, you will be charged every month unless you cancel your subscription.  (Cancellation is available through the “Options” button at the top-right of each Daily Page once you have signed into Ming Li Tong Shu Online.)

Please note:  Your Zi Wei Chart Page will need to have the hour set correctly.  Once you sign in, navigate to that page and use the up and down triangular buttons above the words “SOLAR TIME” to set the correct time of birth for your birth location.  This should only need to be done once, as the server will remember your setting. HORSE HOUR (1100 – 1259) is the default condition, so if you were born in the mid-day hour, no change is necessary.

I hope you’ll notice that the new format includes the option of looking at the current Daily Page and Acupuncture Hours Page (without signing in) by clicking on the “Look at TODAY” button.  In addition, from that page you can navigate backwards for a full week, as long as you have created a Free Account and sign in with it.  If you want to introduce the site to your friends and colleagues, this is an excellent feature to point them to.

Similar to subscribing, creating a Free Account will require:

  • An active email address;
  • Your date of birth (which engages Personalized Service for your Daily Pages;
  • Your name (as you would want it on your Zi Wei Chart Page, should you choose to sign up for a paid subscription.)  You can change this later through “Options” if you wish.

For security, you’ll also be asked to select a question/answer from the drop-down menu, and to create a password.  I always advise subscribers to write down their password in a couple of places for later reference if needed (though not in an obvious place on your computer.)  If you do forget your password, however, the question/answer option will allow you to re-set it through the email address you’ve submitted.

We appreciate your business.  Please share this site with friends and clients who may also benefit from the information on Ming Li Tong Shu Online.  Of course, if you have questions about the new log-in procedure, or about the use of the Tong Shu at large, please let me know by email to thefenwickacademy@inbox.com.

Thank you again for your patience and encouragement while we’ve gone through the rather arduous task of rewriting code and redesigning the interface for our new hosting circumstance.  I owe a debt of gratitude I’m not sure I can ever repay to the technical team at Great Applications who have spent many month working towards the relaunch, and I hope you’ll share my deep sense of heart-felt appreciation.
