“How about I drive for once”

“I cannot show up at a crime scene in that.”


“Because! It would detract from the gravity of my FBI presence.”


BONES: Season One

A Boy in a Bush


This episode starts out funny with Booth interrupting Brennan’s speech to ask if she based Andy Lister off of him (he thinks yes.). But it grows quickly serious. Oh, the humanity.  Sometimes the dead bodies on this show are just hilariously gross, but not this one. This body of a six year old child is one of the most devastating in the 90 or so episodes we’ve had over 4+ years.


The remains of a young boy are found in the back of a mall. Booth and Brennan must determine if the remains belong to a missing boy, Charlie. Once that is confirmed, they have to figure out who murdered him, and how. Particularly touching is the theme of family and foster parenting in this episode.


The B plot focuses on a required financial formal function that the whole team must attend:

Dr. Goodman: He’s the one who’s insisting that each member attend. Also, in one of the best moments ever, he assures Angela (in a deep African American tone) that she is a worthy member of the team with a good heart.

Angela: I like that she kind of hounds Hodgins into telling her why he won’t go to the banquet.  I also like her semi crisis here. “I’m an artist. I used to draw naked guys. Now I draw dead guys.” I also like how Brennan makes her promise not to leave before talking to her.

Zack: Zack goes back and forth in this episode between sensitive, and well…insensitive.

Hodgins: Ah, I forgot there was a time when we didn’t know that Hodgins had money. I had totally, totally forgotten about Booth kind of bailing him out at the end.


I find very few things about the show BONES annoying, but every once in awhile we get a couple of that crop up. In this case, Brennan tells Zack that she was at WACO, helping identify bodies. I can only assume that was in 1993. Now, if Brennan was 31 in season four (I base this off of the fact that Booth says he is 35 in Season Three, Secret in the Soil, and in Season Four, Man in the Mud, Brennan tells April that there are five years difference between her and Booth, and that they aren’t blue fish.), that means she was born in 1977, and that makes her 16 in 1993. WTF? She was not identifying bodies with the FBI when she was 16 years old. Like I said, I don’t want to get in the habit of insisting that every detail is realistic, but…this detail is pretty ridiculous. The one good thing from that dialogue is when Zack asks her if she means he’ll get used to child remains, and she tells him that he’ll never get used to it. No one does.

I do like that Brennan confides in Booth that she is afraid that Angela will leave the Jeff. Booth is still kind of snarky about it.

Then later, they have a serious argument about the foster care system.

Booth later though is nobler. We find out about Jared for the first time, and Booth compares scars with Shawn Cook.

“If I can’t respect the law, I can at least respect you”

In that moment, Brennan is so…emotional! I think this episode is a lot about Booth learning a LOT more about both Brennan herself, and his opinions of the squints. I like that she asks if she can interview Shawn Cook, and good for Booth to let her. Of course, he’s in for it, because Brennan promises Shawn that he’ll figure out a way for him to stay with Margaret. But once she says it, Booth is all in. Thank you, Booth.

The end of this episode is special (but okay, just one more ‘detail’. Brennan was a foster child until her grandfather got her out. Is that still considered true? Are we all just kind of agreeing to forget she ever said that? Or is it possible that she and Booth have that in common? ARGH!).

But back to the ending. First, Booth tells Brennan he’s sorry. Then he laughs at her when she says her car was dinged up. She calls him mean, very factually.

And when she is dressed up, he can hardly take his eyes off of her. What I really love about this part is that he asks her how she knew he would keep her promise. It’s like he wants to know what she really thinks of him. It’s becoming very special between these two. I’m enjoying every moment of it.

And hey, your Booth of the Day!

The “If you break your sister’s heart, there will be pain” Booth


The Knight on the Grid: Season Three

 if you break your sister's heart, there will be pain booth

Peace, Love & Bones,


<< The Man in the Wall

>>The Man in the Bear