An Cruiskeen Lawnmower – Issue 71   29 comments

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  1. When I was young my grandfather regaled me with stories of “The Redcoats” and what they did to Ireland. They were amateurs!

  2. Gerry could soon have an even more ridiculous title – TD for the constiuency of Louth.

    • Has that Beard got no dignity. Associating with Louth GAA. Tut . Tut. I hear he claims to be a member of St Pauls and him from Johnnnies territory. I mean, he’s been a harmless sort up til now but not supporting your local fudball club. That beats Banagher, well , as long as Mark Lynch and Seán Marty aren’t playing, and still neither of them would have a chance.

  3. Don’t blame those technophobic prison officers for the situation at Maghaberry sure even their leader Finlays A Pratt hasn’t a clue where to stick his Dongle!!! (suggestions on a postcard) I heard it was only a football video download anyway “Diaby Does Gallas”

  4. I see Moan Bruton is not wearing her red coat in the last photograph, where, she is really explaining how low her dignity levels are. Did Mags Richtea have ‘ An Cóta Dearg’out of the politician’s pawn shop that day or is that one of those reversable jackets, just like her politics. She could look like a Bond girl and it would only cost her €8 to get ‘the wave’ in her hair.

    • If you look again you will see that is a cardigan, she has hung the coat up on the wall behind her. (Whilst she refuses to finish any sentence…ever…for anyone….at least not now…or later…etc etc…

  5. Right so. Noddy Holder is out to get Conor Cruise Murphy. Laurence MacKenzie rips off another church, this one in Andersonstown , and Gerry Adams takes his place in the House of Lords as, Lordie-these-sums-are-hard of Northstead. Another stonking episode from the Sabre of Truth and the Mower doesn’t even hack phones………do you?

    • Point of Order. I hack your phone for him.

      • Remember we discussed the whole ‘let’s keep this phonetapping quiet’ thing?

      • No worries, Andy, I mean, lawnmowerman. By the way , those last transcripts are in your inbox.

      • My children were tapping me for years, a tenner here a fiver there but it all added up. Thankfully I have now sent them out into the world to fend for themselves. [Well I might give them some help with their 11+ when they reach that age] [Joking of course]

    • Stop press, phil claims he will conduct investigation into waterboard without hindrence or pressure from stormount, “I’ll be no Nodding Holder”

      • Excellent, Mr Holder can explain away the winter water disaster by reporting, ‘It’s Chriiiistmaaaaasssss!’

  6. Nuttin but blueshirts and redcoats around here recently, I think I will emigrate.

  7. Brilliant. At last getting stuck into slugger -bunch of arrogant and humorless twats,, thank you mr L. Smileyface.

  8. If he wants to investigate waterboards send Fill Howlder to Guantanamo Bay!!!

  9. Definitely a series in Joan’s Red Coat – maybe even a blockbuster film – as she follows Richard Noonan and Michael Bruton around the Dept. of Finance

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