Why I Practice Pause


James 1:19—“Let every person be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to anger.”

Pause is a way to hear the other’s heart.

Pause instead of speaking.

Pause is a way to be in the moment.

Pause—time to think—What’s it like to be on the other side of me?

Pause to ask—What am I missing here? What truth, reality, perspective, insight?

Pause to ask God for the other person’s perspective, how they feel, think.

Pause to ask God for His perspective.

Pause to ask God, “What do I do next?”

Pause is a way to abide with Jesus.

Pause instead of check my phone/social media.

Pause before saying yes.

Pause before saying no. (unless it is a harmful thing)

Pausing allows me to consider details that I would have missed. Important details that have consequences if not attended to. Details that influence my decisions.

Pause. . .





Brenda Garrison is an author and speaker who empowers women with the confidence to live their calling. Brenda is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science Degree in Ministry Leadership with a Concentration in Women’s Ministry at Moody Bible Institute. She and her husband, Gene, are the parents of three young adult daughters and live near Metamora, IL.

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