How we work, part 1

  • Posted in: Derailment
  • Written by: Gateway Railroad Dismantling
  • On: March 1, 2014

One of the most rewarding parts of our business is the opportunity for partnerships in completing projects.  For example,  we’ve often partnered with our largest dealer client to bring material to their yard for dismantling.  Another common partnership is when we have derailments or depreciated inventory opportunities to partner with a salvage crew we’re fond of.

By partnering together we can simply do so much more in terms of service offerings and also find new ways to provide value to our existing clients.  Working together gives us insight into the unique challenges of our clients as well,  helping us to better serve them, too.  Perhaps most importantly,  it allows us yet another way to demonstrate how a client can expect to trust us.  When we partner with companies we trust, it’s typically a straight up split of the projects profits.  We’re not interested in sub-contracting out work if we can a suitable partner instead.

Like all of our guiding principles,  this preference for partnerships may cost us a few dollars on each project – but it’s better for us and our clients.

“ Mickey is the best!  We trust him with everything we do here because he never fails to tell us what's going on.  Good, bad, up, down or sideways, Gateway RR brokers for us. ”
— Dan Becker