Tribute to Gord Downie: Pre Mortem

Posted on August 21, 2016

I was gonna’ write a short tribute, pre-mortem, to Gord Downey. There are others for whom I would have liked to have done the same: Arthur C. Clark; Kurt Vonnegut Jr.; Hunter S. Thompson; Leonard Nimoy; et al… Oh well, they didn’t get theirs’ on time, but Gord should.

From trying to find the microphone…

Gordon Downie Tragically Hip

…to moving everybody in the room.


…it was well worth doing. I set myself to the task.

And then I saw this, (retweeted by @ChantalHbert.)


‘Nuff said.



(I must say that I disagree with the cultural appropriation. The Downey-Trudeau-Canada connection reminds one of the Olympics – countries appropriating personal achievement for the sake of nationalism. The fact that the government always wants its piece is what bothers me.)

Nevertheless, #TheHip pulls it off better than any government official could. I just don’t understand the support for a PM who (it may be true) cares about the indiginous (somewhat,) but wants to make his own job moot.

The Tragically Hip stands on its own merits, and needs no endorsement from any temporary figurehead (the candidate for change who was born at Gorffwysfa.)


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