Hey people! This post is dedicated to every dental student who share the same feelings as us 🙌

1. Whenever you talk to someone, first thing you notice in them is their TEETH 😁

2. Girls girls everywhere!! 😂;) In dental colleges boys are truely an endangered species. 

3. Get togethers become mini clinic for us😰  Which toothpaste to use? Which brush to use? etc etc

4. Who said dentists are not doctors? We study human anatomy, physiology,pharmacology,general surgery and medicine with additional dental subjects.. yet people do not consider us as doctors.. 😐

5. Getting 75% attendance is the biggest achievement for us. You attend a class more for the sake of attendance then for the sake of listening to lecture.

6. No matter how many times you try to learn the histology slide, they always put up a different new one that you can’t recognize.   (Only a dental student know the art of identifying a histology slide without using microscope) 😉

7.That look u get after trimming a denture😂

    8. That moment of happiness when your work gets approved by the teacher… 😁

    9. That mini heart attack we get when we forget our precious micromotor, contra or handpiece in the lab

    10. That annoying moment when your patient don’t want to open mouth while you are taking impression

     11. The only thing we remember about pharmacology during exam “nausea, vomiting, headache” 

    12. We start with Boucher, Phillips, Robbins, Guyton BUT We end up with Rangarajan, Mannapallil, Firdaus 📚📖

    13. Being nice to the lab assistant is so much more helpful than being nice to professors

    14.Only problem every girl want to have.. wink wink!

    No matter how much hard dentistry sometime seems to be but DENTISTRY IS  LOVE!!💓

    Hope you people enjoyed this post.. we will come up with more interesting posts.. Give us your views and ya some more ideas that we can use.. 😘