
#85 : Cric

So guys, if you buy a Cintiq.. Make sure your computer has the right port. HDMI, guys, HDMI.

But as you can see in the drawing below, me and Rob are going on an adventure to Croatia! With my dad's miniature car. As two people who only have their licences for like 3 weeks. Like I said, an adventure. The thing is, I'm probably not going to have internet for three weeks, starting this friday. I will try to have some comics pre-uploaded and in a queue for those upcoming tuesdays, but I myself won't be online until somewhere around the 29th of august so I don't know if it'll work alright.
Fingers crossed!

DorkToes #4 OUT NOW!

DorkToes #4 OUT NOW!

Dork Toes year 4, 2015.
The fourth year of Dork Toes: 96 pages of comics including previously unseen content for €17!

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