Muir Pass on 4th of July 

Day 84,    28 miles

Kings Canyon and Evolution Valley

Bear Creek and Evolution Creek, major water crossings.  No problem now.  Water up to my hips at the highest.  I’m so glad I’m going through the Sierras now.  The mosquitoes are the only dangerous challenge to deal with.

I took the time today to stop for lunch.  Peanut butter and Nutella on tortillas.

The trail passed so many beautiful turquoise, alpine lakes on the way up to the John Muir Hut.  Muir pass at 11,955  feet.  Gorgeous.

The problem with eating more and hiking less is I’m running out of food.  So I’ve had to up my mileage.  The antibiotics are working.  Energy back.

I passed many tents in the evening as I hiked down into the warm valley.  No one was camped at Monster Rock!   Other than deer, I had the place to myself.


8 thoughts on “Muir Pass on 4th of July 

  1. Sally, this section of PCT is so beautiful. You must take us there as our guide to hike this area. May be next year!!!


  2. Dear précis Sally fully enjoyed your amazing pics and stories of your journey stay safe love your big brother barry oops 1928 Ford coupe not finished yet you’ll be home before its done!!!


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