Almost a zero

Day 131,       5 miles

Today was going to be the day I took my last zero on the trail.  I haven’t had a zero (no miles), since Sisters, Oregon.   That’s a lot of miles ago.

Stehekin is an awesome vacation destination on the north end of Lake Chelan.  There is a restaurant, a small store, a lodge, bike rentals, and the bestest bakery in the whole world.  Stehekin is only accessible by boat or float plane.  Last night we were camped in a very nice site behind the Visitor Centre.

After laundry, shower, egg sandwich, at the bakery, and several dips into the lovely water of Lake Chelan,  I was ready to get going again.  I decided to catch the last shuttle bus up the 13 mile dirt road to the PCT.   Running-Back was ready too.  We left Nemo frolicking in the lake with Macro, Stripes, and Lux.  We caught the bus at 5:30pm, which dropped us off at the trailhead at 6:15.

I waved goodbye to grinning bus driver, Steve.   Running-Back followed as I led her back over Highbridge and up the switchback trail.  I remember looking back again at Steve, still grinning and watching us leave.  Up the trail, and 15 minutes later I realized why Steve was grinning and what he was thinking,  “Those silly women have gone the wrong way.”

Sigh.  It’s been 4 1/2 months and almost 2,600 miles and I’m still going the wrong way.   Back over Highbridge, and a very fast 5 miles later, we arrived at Bridge Creek Camp.

About a mile before we got to camp, we were startled by a noisy crashing in the bushes only feet away from us.  It was a large animal.  I stopped dead and went silent. Quick thinking Running-Back immediately started whacking her poles into the bushes.  She yelled, “We know you’re in there!  Just keep moving! You can hear us talking, now shoo!” It was hilarious.  Running-Back.  She’s mini, but she is mighty.

We set up our tents in the fading light.  Running-Back went straight to bed.  I went for a walk into the darkness and down the trail in my bare feet.  I looked up at the trees and the sky.  I will miss this.

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