Searching for Scholarships Without Spam Hell

ScholarshipsRising Juniors, Juniors and Seniors: There are several websites that help you locate potential scholarships. Most of them unfortunately sell your information to everyone and their mother in the scholarship game.  If you use your “real” email, you can be hit with spam for years for everything from scholarships to financing schemes, or worse. So…

  1. Get a “scholarship” mailbox at,, etc. that you will use ONLY for scholarships.
  2. Sign up for scholarship info and give them a profile of you so they can send you (hopefully) meaningful filter of opportunities and offers.

Don’t wait until Fall of Senior year to start looking. Some scholarships give you up to two years in advance to apply, and the ones that do not, at least you are aware of and can put into your calendar of things to do for college in the latter part of your Junior year.

If you find other good ones, comment here and we’ll add them!

Scholarship Aggregator Sites:

1 thought on “Searching for Scholarships Without Spam Hell

  1. Pingback: Reed College (Gold Standard) | The College Music Advisory Service

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