40 days of jerseys #32: Anaheim Ducks

duckfrontduckbackJersey #32 of 40: Anaheim Ducks (Samuel Pahlsson, #26)

Style: Replica
Size: XL
Manufacturer: Reebok
Obtained: Yard Sale, 2014

Time for a full disclosure. I’ve never been a fan of the Anaheim Ducks, but the only reason I watched them was because of Teemu Selanne being on the team. He is my all-time favorite player and it pained me to see his best years were with this…team…

Still, the revamped, non-Disney Ducks (minus the “Mighty” moniker) have been a powerhouse in the Western Conference.

Samuel Pahlsson played for Anaheim off and on from 2000-2009. While he may not have put up impressive numbers, he was a solid team player, helping them win a Stanley Cup in 2007.

I like the revamped logo, with the footprint of the duck incorporated into the “D” of the “Ducks” logo. Still…not a fan of the Ducks…

This jersey is for sale or trade.

Tomorrow: Thanksgiving Turkey

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