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Justine celebrates 50 years in South Africa

May 2, 2023 12:44 pm by: Category: BUSINESS, Featured, Investing, Local, National, NEWS Leave a comment A+ / A-

JOHANNESBURG – JUSTINE, the personal care, cosmetics and fragrance brand, is celebrating 50 years in South Africa.

It is five decades since the company changed the country’s skincare by creating and introducing the iconic Tissue Oil in 1973.

“The Justine story is a remarkable South African story that speaks of resilience, agility and adaptation to evolving marketing conditions as well as constant innovation that continues to be on the leading edge of beauty lovers’ needs,” says Mafahle Mareletse, Managing Director of Avon Justine in Turkey, Middle East and Africa.

He believes it is a noteworthy case study that casts confidence on South Africa’s capability and limitless potential to use science and nature to produce world-class beauty products.

“Most importantly, it is an empowering lesson to entrepreneurs on the value of identifying gaps in the market and finding solutions to narrow those,” Mareletse said.

Despite the skincare product boom in the 1970s, Veronica Devine could not find a suitable product for her needs. She joined forces with an uncompromising cosmetic chemist Paul Symes and founded Justine.

Justine was founded on the premise of empowering women to be independent and be active participants in the economy.

“The brand remains committed to the promotion of women in science through the involvement of female scientists in the development of Justine products,” Mareletse elaborated.

Justine has a policy that ensures it employs local people since Justine products are manufactured locally.

In the 50th year and going forward, it has pledged to continue making considerable investment in the community through involvement in the Thuthukisa Together foundation, which promotes early childhood development.

The eradication of breast cancer remains a paramount priority.

Mareletse emphasised that Justine would embrace the opportunities available through advanced technology and the digital economy.

The brand is also introducing a series of special offers and discounts on skincare, cosmetics and fragrance products.

Justine is also honoring long-serving entrepreneurs of the brand.

Tannie Irene Swemmer, a Justine Consultant, began her journey in 1978.

“Our goal as Consultants is to provide advice and guidance to our customers in order for them to make an informed decision based on their unique circumstances,” she explained.

– CAJ News

Justine celebrates 50 years in South Africa Reviewed by on . by AKANI CHAUKEJOHANNESBURG - JUSTINE, the personal care, cosmetics and fragrance brand, is celebrating 50 years in South Africa. Justine May It is five de by AKANI CHAUKEJOHANNESBURG - JUSTINE, the personal care, cosmetics and fragrance brand, is celebrating 50 years in South Africa. Justine May It is five de Rating: 0
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