Brooke Williams #2–Author Interview

Brooke WilliamsDear Friends,

I’m so delighted to welcome Brooke Williams back to my blog. Brooke is such a special lady! She is the type of person who brings joy and laughter wherever she goes. I feel very blessed to have her as a friend! I think she’s terrific!

Danele: Brooke, I’m so glad that you’re able to be with us today!

Brooke: Thank you so much for having me. I’ve gotten so much encouragement from you. I feel it an honor to call you my friend. I only hope we can meet in person someday!

Danele: Wouldn’t that be a blast!! I would love it! I have a feeling that we would end up talking and laughing for hours. Speaking about laughter, has anything happened recently that’s made you giggle?

Brooke: Yes, actually. My older daughter (age 7) and I are both in hand chimes groups at church. At our last practice, the kids’ group was playing, and I was filling in for a child who couldn’t make it. Between songs, I looked at my older daughter and asked her where her sister was (little sis is age 3). She gave me the funniest look. I quickly realized that the sister I was asking about was SITTING IN MY LAP! Not only was she on top of me, but she had her hand up the sleeve of my shirt (what she likes to do when drinking her milk). Wow, where was my mind?! I’m still baffled by that one!

Danele: Oh, Brooke! You just made me laugh!! I can remember tearing the house apart one day, looking for my car keys. They were in my hand the whole time! I have NO IDEA how I was able to remove the sofa cushions while clutching the keys in my palm. LOL!! Now, here’s a more serious question for you. Why do you think it is important to pray?

Brooke: I’ve had fun teaching my girls that they can talk to God about anything. At night before bed, we all say our prayers. My littlest one generally says, “Thank you, God, for cheese and hamburgers…” and anything else that comes to her mind. She’s three and those things are precious in her world! My older daughter came up with something more profound. She’s 7 and deathly afraid of smoke alarms. So often, when she’s trying to get to sleep and alone, she’s afraid. The other day, she told me the following: “At night, when I’m afraid, I just talk to God and ask Him to hug me really close and then I can feel His arms around me and I’m not scared anymore.” I about cried when she said that. And THAT’S why it’s important to pray. Because when you do, God wraps His arms around you and you feel close to Him.

Danele: That’s beautiful, Brooke! I love feeling the peace of God during prayer. It is so incredible! Now, Brooke, there are so many people who are hurting in this world. Is there anything you’d like to say to them?

Brooke: I would tell them that I’m so sorry for your pain. And you are not alone. Not only are there people out there who care about you, whether you know them or not, but there’s a God that cares about you more than anything. Power through. Life is hard, but it’s worth it. And there’s another side to every dark cloud.

Danele: That’s so true, Brooke! There were so many times that I wanted to give up during my illness and quarantine. I’m so glad that I gave God my pain and kept putting one foot in front of the other. Life always gets better. It may take a little time (over seven years in my case) but it ALWAYS gets better. Brooke, I know that being a Christian influences every part of our lives. How has being a Christian influenced your writing?

Brooke: As a Christian, I want other Christians to have something uplifting to read. Life is hard, plain and simple. But I want to take the stress away from them for the time being and help their hearts feel lighter. I also want to give them a clean read that doesn’t dive into anything they don’t want to dwell on.

Danele: That’s a wonderful goal, Brooke! I use reading as a stress reliever, and I love it when a book whisks me away to some faraway place. Although I love to read, I’m always a little worried when I try out a new author. Lots of times, when I go to the bookstore, I will pull an interesting book from the shelf and thumb through it. I read a page here and there, and if I find a dirty place, I don’t buy it. My method doesn’t always work, and I’ve been unpleasantly surprised when some of the books I buy have questionable scenes. A dirty scene always reminds me of a worm in an apple. That’s one of the things that I’ve enjoyed about your books. I’ve read several of them now, and I’ve found that you write scenes that are funny without being crude, and romantic without being sleazy. Can you give us a list of the books you have written?

Brooke: Sure! Accept this Dandelion, Dandelions on the Road, After the Final Dandelion, Mamarazzi, Backwards Christmas, Someone Always Loved You, and Wrong Place, Right Time.

Danele: Can you tell us a little about your latest new release and share a purchasing link?

Brooke: Of course! My most recent release (May 17) is After the Final Dandelion. It’s the third book in the Dandelion series. In book 1, Accept this Dandelion, we see one couple coming together. And in book 2, Dandelions on the Road, a second couple. In this third installment, After the Final Dandelion, we get to see what happens to both couples AFTER their happy endings.

Here’s the back cover blurb: After Renee Lockhart appeared on the local TV dating show “Accept this Dandelion” and found the love of her life, she thought she was done with TV. But when she hears that the entire city has bets on how soon she and her fiancé will break up, she is determined to show that their love is meant to last. When Mike, the KETO producer, approaches her about airing the wedding live, she jumps at the chance. Once she is set up with a famous wedding coordinator, plans take a turn for the worse and the simple wedding they wanted becomes the event of the year. In the meantime, Eva Merida is dealing with her own life changing opportunity. Though she’s in love with her boyfriend, who she met on the second season of the dating show, she can’t turn down the chance to investigate a Hollywood TV show when offered a position. When she runs into an old flame, she questions the stability of her current relationship. Will Renee be able to prove her love for Ben to the city before her wedding falls apart? Who will Eva choose on her own emotional roller coaster? Hilarity ensues as the wedding of the decade melts into the disaster of the year. Because everyone knows weeds take over every garden… 

Danele: Brooke, thank you so much for being with us today! I’ve really enjoyed talking with you.

Brooke: And I’ve enjoyed your unique questions and your overall approach to life! It’s my honor to be on your blog…truly!!


Friends, Brooke Williams is such a wonderful person. She approaches life with joy, and her joy spills over into her books. If you would like to learn more about Brooke or her books, please follow the links below. I hope you have a wonderful day!

4 thoughts on “Brooke Williams #2–Author Interview

  1. joyceheartwings

    I loved this interview – and, Danele, you know what I am going to ask – have you shared Heart”wings” with Brooke? Perhaps a link to our blog? Brooke, we would be so blessed to have your heart for God in our loving, supportive group of Christian women. j

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m so glad that you enjoyed this interview, Joyce! Brooke really is terrific! I know that she would make a great addition to Heart”wings!” Thanks so much for commenting, Joyce! I hope you have a wonderful day!


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