Avoiding Eggs


Dear Friends,

Today I’m going to share a VERY important verse with a CRUCIAL message.

“How tasteless is the uncooked white of an egg–my appetite is gone when I look at it; I gag at the thought of eating it!” Job 6:6-7 (Living Bible).

According to 2 Timothy 3:16, all scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for instruction. In light of this, I think we should pay heed to Job 6:6-7 and avoid eating eggs that are laid by a bird. Luckily, supermarkets have an alternative to chicken eggs. These wonderful creations are called Cadbury Cream Eggs. They are delicious little bits of chocolate that melt in your mouth. My friends, let us pay heed to the clear message contained in Job, and turn to a yummy chocolate alternative. I feel it is our Christian duty.

HA! Made you laugh!!! (Or else you think I’ve seriously flipped my lid and need measured for a rubber room). Either way, now it’s time for me to post my REAL verse for the day:

“A cheerful heart does good like medicine, but a broken spirit makes one sick.” Proverbs 17:22 (Living Bible).

If God laughs–I think we should too. One thing I learned during quarantine was that no matter how bleak the day, I could do three things. I could force myself to smile. I could force myself to sing. And I could force myself to laugh. They were little things, but they each added up to joy. I hope you have a great day today, and that it’s full of laughter!

PS–Be careful not to take scripture out of context–it’s a very dangerous practice that can make people worry about your salvation and sanity. (((grin))).