Zrylw Discusses How to Tip Almost Anywhere in the World


Tipping can be a conundrum even in the United States. But it can be much more challenging in a country where a person barely speaks the language – let alone knows the local customs and mores. Here are a few suggestions regarding the proper tipping etiquette for popular and off-the-map vacation spots.

When someone is traveling in South America what should they tip?
Like most of the places we will be discussing today, it varies from country to country. For instance, in Argentina diners should expect to give wait staff ten percent of the tab and at least ten pesos to a porter. In Brazil, people shouldn’t expect to tip at all because that amount is worked into the tab. However, they will be expected to tip the cleaning crew about two dollars a day and porters two dollars a bag. Also, in Brazil American currency is welcome, so gratuities don’t need to be in pesos.

What about the Caribbean Islands?
Tipping in the Caribbean is akin to tipping in the U.S. Fifteen to twenty percent in restaurants that aren’t covered by a resort package. Also, if a traveler needs a special favor from the concierge, they should expect to hand out a gratuity. American currency is accepted for tipping.

When traveling through Europe do different countries have different expectations when it comes to tipping?
Yes, unfortunately there’s no hard and fast rule about tipping across Europe. In France, the term “service compris” at the bottom of a dinner check means that no tipping is required. However, the locals tend to leave about ten percent in cash for the wait staff. Tipping at a bar isn’t customary in France, however in Germany, bar patrons are expected to tip up to fifteen percent. The most important thing though is to tip in Euros, because dollars aren’t preferred.

Is it true that tipping in China is frowned upon?
It is true. However, within the last decade or so tipping has become slightly more acceptable. So, if a traveler really feels the need to give someone a gratuity they can do it. However, they need to make sure that they do it out of the employee’s supervisor sight, because receiving a tip is still discouraged.

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