The Objective 

I’m going to get serious with this one. This is the objective, son.

It feels like only yesterday when I decided to strike a line off of my bucket list and live life as an expat. It’s an accomplishment I’m very proud of. And it’s an experience I would recommend to everyone; at least once in your life.

I, truly, had had it with my life in Canada and desired a drastic change from the mundane; beneath it all, seeking self discovery (AKA: Seoul Searching, ha). And when one is in search of oneself, one must continue this search of the soul.

The experience has been incredible, the people I have met have found a cozy spot to nestle up inside my heart; they’ve given me incredible strength and happiness. But speaking frankly, this past year was challenging as well as, at times, unbearably stressful. Certain aspects, ones of which I shan’t divulge, have taken a toll on my health physically and mentally. So, I feel as though I’m a bit lost. It’s time I seek the world to heal. I’m traveling an interesting route and returning to S. Korea.

Self discovery means rooting out your main vices that hinder self-growth. I won’t go into great detail about my retail addiction, and the fact that I’m the worst kind of materialist, pack that in with a beauty obsession. I’ll talk about that another time.

Living in Korea, the land in which no one sees it as an issue to openly discussing your physical appearance, my obsession rapidly became unhealthy: stressing and fussing over every stray hair- agonizing over how others will perceive me if I gain a pound or look exhausted one day.  It’s not that any harm is meant when it’s being said, it’s that I took what was said to heart and then to the extreme. And how I healed those sore feelings was therapy a la retail. Which sounds ridiculous, but it’s more damaging than one might think.

Which leads me to my ultimate goal, go minimalist, or as much as I can be, during my travels.  Which is so crazy hard for me you wouldn’t even believe it. That means carrying the essentials; and no buying. I guarantee it will feel awkward; chances are I won’t feel pretty…but now is not the time to worry about the exterior. Beauty is something to enjoy not to worry and panic about night and day. This is for my spirit, this is for me.

I’m a little happy to get away from Korea for a little while, it was tough saying goodbye to my students whom I love, but I need to put that out-pour of love back into the source.

So I attempt to leave bad tendencies behind, search for hope and search for some kind of peace.

I’m at the airport now as we speak; I came super early because I’m a fool like that.

My first stop is Prague, Czech Republic; the romantic little place I’ve always dreamed about. I’ll lay out my plan when I arrive and we’ll see how well I stick to it. I’ll try to update the deets ASAP.

I hope that you, too, will journey with me. 🙂

Bye for now. Kisses from Seoul.

Mary T

Mary T

2 thoughts on “The Objective 

  1. For me today(sunday)It’a time l seek the Seoul to heal… I’ve stayed enough for a week in Hopyeng…..
    ㅎㅎㅎ love your expression~!

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