Are you familiar with who I am with in these pictures?

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Yes, it’s Bro. Bo Sanchez. One of the most powerful motivational speaker in the Philippines. He is actually my favorite author in all my inspirational books.

I came to know him in an 8-page printed paper given by a friend few years ago. At first, I was too lazy and uncomfortable to read that 8-page paper. Of course, knowing myself? I’d rather hear a talk, than reading the talk. (That was long time ago 😀 )

But when a great devastation hit me on my face,  I was curious if by reading that paper, I will be able to feel alright, because my friend said so. So, I’ve read the 1st page, and it hooked me to read the 2nd, the 3rd, the 4th page and on. It made me felt better, and made me searched for more.

Until one day, (I know it is God’s plan), I was assigned in Manila for my work in a real estate company. There, I found my self reading more about Bro. Bo Sanchez’s blogs and websites (here’s the link to his blog site 🙂 ). Then I bumped into one of his announcement about attending The Feast (a weekly prayer meeting of Light of Jesus Community where Bro Bo Sanchez leads and is a speaker at the PICC). Since I’m already in Manila, I decided to attend.

My first attempt to attend The Feast in PICC was with my office friend, and I was overwhelmed with the music, the crowd, the stage and the speaker itself. At first, I was attending because I love listening to Bro. Bo Sanchez’s talks, the music and the crowd. But as time passed by, I caught myself not so much about the speaker and the awesome ambiance only, but about connecting to God more.

I must admit that The Feast PICC have hit my core being. It connected me more to God and is continuously changing my life.

To this day, I’m back to Pampanga (with my Mother in her home). Though I attend The Feast PICC quite not often, but I see to it that I’m attending at least once a month (even if I’ll watch them online, Yes they do have Feast PICC live streaming).

It was not so easy to change habits and turn 180 degrees of my life. Until now, I’m still battling with some personal issues and weaknesses. I still stumble and fall. But what made me who I am today is that God continues to love me. It was His love (through The Feast PICC, my friends and family) that rescued me. I hope one day, I’ll come back to this happiest place on earth, not anymore an attendee, but a server for God. I’ll come back to this place bringing with me my family and love ones, all serving Christ.

May you receive your blessings,



  1. I’d like to thank my very understanding friends (Levy, Fhelo, Ate Iyanne, and more) for accepting me even in all my shortcomings. To Rosy Evangelista for that 8-page paper that started it all. I’d like to thank Anya Bernard Ortiz for accompanying me in my first time attending The Feast and now is still bringing me closer to God.
  2. Want to experience the happiest place on earth? Find The Feast near you. Check them at:
  3. Want to know how Bro. Bo Sanchez influenced my financial life? He is my wealth mentor to this day. Check this out: BoSanchezMembers