Congratulations. The millennia-long struggle of your planet’s History is over.
Your scientists and philosophers have found the TRUTH (±), the Knowledge of the Force. You are now ready to enter a new phase—the amazing Jedi Order.
However you must prepare yourselves.

Your world is still battling the Dark Side—war, hate, fear, terrorism, greed,
poverty, disease, death, and impending nuclear Armageddon. The Solution is nothing short of a global Revolution in Education— a paradigm shift from the Dark to the Light Side of the Force!

Your world’s Institutions can now teach this higher Knowledge and raise
consciousness. This will bring Balance to the Force in your sector of the Galaxy and usher you into the glorious Jedi Order—your Destiny.

The Knowledge of the Force will reveal to you the true meaning of “Religion,” “Education,” “Science,” “Business,” “Health,” and “Politics.”

Ahead lies the Global Jedi Education solution for your planet and your unique part in the crowning stage of your evolution.  


Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Master
—from a galaxy far, far away



The Jedi Handbook contains the solution to all of our planet’s problems and shows the only way to realize an incredible JEDI ORDER—a fully healed and functioning world beyond what we can possibly imagine.

The Jedi Handbook will reveal:

  • That human HISTORY is overHow it happened, and What it means.
  • That Plato, Hegel, and the JEDI philosopher/scientists on our planet have discovered the TRUTH, the Knowledge of The Force, and Jedi Absolute Science … that reveals what and why the universe is, and who we really are.
  • That Global Jedi Education alone can heal our planet and permanently eliminate war, terrorism, greed, poverty, inequality, ignorance, nihilism, disease, and death.
  • That the real cause of the world’s problems is the immersion of the main institutions of society—science, religion, education, politics, etc.—in the Dark Side of The Force, which makes healing impossible.
  • That what currently passes for “science” is really only a subset of holistic JEDI Science. That its dark world-view and main assumptions are responsible for the nihilism, depression, and youth alienation that pervades our society and schools.
  • That today’s mainstream Religions are incapable of healing us due to their erroneous ideas about God and man—and how this can be corrected.
  • Why current education on our planet is in fact mis-education. And why the introduction of JEDI Schools and JEDI Education is the fastest way to save our schools and release the full potential of our children.
  • Why our medical doctors and psychiatrists cannot heal us—and what can. What True Healing and Health is and the true cause and cure of all diseases, above all, the dis-ease called “Man.”
  • Why the New Age Movement is in need of major corrections if it is to realize its true ideals.

All of this and more will be revealed to be the only effective way to heal our world and realize a literal paradise on earth—the glorious “JEDI ORDER,” that will finally

“Bring BALANCE to The Force—the Universe, and Ourselves!”

Global Jedi Education will take everyone on our planet into the amazing Jedi Order by bringing BALANCE to our world’s major institutions through Jedi Science, Jedi World Religion (via Jedi Sects), Jedi Education (via Jedi Charter Schools and Universities), Jedi Businesses, a Jedi President/Prime Minister and Third Party, Jedi Doctors and Therapists, and Jedi Artists, Producers, and Media Specialists.

Thirty-five years of research, meditation, and ‘channeling’ went into The Jedi Handbook.

All of its teachings are fully evidence-based and backed by Science, philosophy, reason, quantum physics, transpersonal psychology, systems theory, our religious and spiritual traditions, and the discoveries of Einstein, Schrödinger, Goswami, Laszlo, Wolf, Haisch, Grof, Laing, Watts, Wilber, Reich, Altizer and, especially, Plato and the “A-Team,” Jedi Kant-Fichte-Schelling-and-Hegel, who brought the history of philosophy and science on our planet to completion.



Preface     v
Introduction    1

The Knowledge of The Force

The Jedi Oath     221
Jedi Power Ethics    222
Jedi Power Methods     226

Science  285
Education  301
Religion  319
Politics  373
Business  401
Health  423
The Arts & Media  455

Jedi Appendices  467  

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