Whole Wheat Sausage Buns (Poolish Method) 全麥腸仔包(液種法)

I saw beautiful photos of puffy Hong Kong bakery-style sausage buns from my baking buddy’s social media site recently. I couldn’t wait to try it myself after consulting her for tips and advice. My way to prepare these buns was to divide my dough in portions and then shape each of them into long ropes. Then I would wrap the rope-shaped dough around the sausage for shaping. During the shaping process, gluten would be activated, resulting in tight dough that could not be easily stretched. It was pretty time consuming to wait for the dough to relax again before I could continue shaping. The method that my friend taught me was quick, easy and efficient: the dough was flattened into a disc and then divided like a pizza. After slight reshaping the sausage could be placed on the bottom of the triangular dough and be rolled up like a croissant. I was fully converted after one try and this would definitely be my method to go for from now on.

The basic dough below was made with a poolish starter. The dough consisted of 50% whole wheat and was adapted from my other bread recipe, Baked Whole Wheat Sous Vide BBQ Pork Buns (Char Siu Bao). The salt amount was decreased slightly as sausages were high in sodium.

Whole Wheat Sausage Buns (Poolish Starter)

Makes 8


For the Poolish
80 g bread flour
80 g water
0.16 g (1/16 tsp) active dry yeast

For the Dough
120 g whole wheat flour
35 g bread flour
10 g instant skim milk powder
2.8 g (1 tsp) active dry yeast
1/3 tsp salt
all of the poolish from above
40 g granulated sugar (I used organic cane sugar)
40 g beaten egg
35 g water
25 g unsalted butter, softened

For the Egg Wash
10 g beaten egg
1/4 tsp milk


高筋麵粉 80克
水 80克
酵母 0.16克 (1/16茶匙)

全麥麵粉 120克
高筋麵粉 35克
脫脂奶粉 10克
酵母 2.8克 (1茶匙)
鹽 1/3茶匙
細砂糖 40克 (EC用有機蔗糖)
蛋液 40克
水 35克
無鹽牛油 25克(室溫放軟)

蛋液 10克
牛奶 1/4茶匙

Directions 做法

For the Poolish 液種
Place all ingredients in the mixing bowl and mix thoroughly. Cover with plastic wrap and let rise in room temperature for 4 to 6 hours. Store in the refrigerator for 12 to 18 hours. The poolish will be bubbly, loose and full of a yeasty aroma.

For the Main Dough 主麵糰
Bring poolish back to room temperature for 30 minutes before use. Add water, egg and poolish into the bread pan. In order to control the dough consistency, reserve some water to be added later. Next add the flours, milk powder, salt and sugar. Make a shallow indentation in the middle of the flour and add the yeast into it (according to King Arthur Flour, it is no longer necessary to dissolve active dry yeast in warm water before using due to the much gentler modern manufacturing process). Choose the dough cycle and press start. When a smooth and cohesive dough starts to develop, pause cycle and add in the softened butter. Resume cycle until the dough has doubled in size.
取出液種放置室溫30分鐘回溫,把水、液種及蛋加入麵包桶內(麵粉受水情況有異,因此建議保留少許水後下作調整用),加入麵粉、奶粉、鹽及糖,在麵粉中開一小洞放入酵母(King Arthur Flour提及由於現代生產酵母技術已更溫和,因此活性乾酵母現巳不需溶解活化已可直接使用),選擇麵糰功能按開始鍵,揉成表面略帶光滑的麵糰後停機加入軟化牛油,繼續程式至第一次發酵完成,麵糰約兩倍大。

Remove dough to a lightly floured work surface. Gently deflate the dough then form into a ball with seam side down. Cover with plastic wrap and let rest for 10 minutes.

Roll out the dough into a 12” circle. With a pizza cutter, divide the dough evenly into 8 wedges. Gently elongate the wedges into triangles. Place a sausage on the base of a triangle and roll up the dough, tip side down. Repeat with the rest of the wedges and sausages.

Arrange the shaped buns on a parchment paper lined baking sheet, making sure to leave enough space between them. Cover the tray loosely with lightly greased plastic wrap. Let rise in a warm place for 30 to 45 minutes until puffy and almost doubled in size. I proofed mine in my steam combo oven with the steam setting set at 100℉/38℃ for 40 minutes.

Preheat the oven to 350℉/180℃ 15 minutes before baking. Mix the reserved beaten egg with milk. Uncover bread and brush bread surface with egg wash. Bake for 10 minutes then reduce temperature to 325℉/160℃ and bake for 5 more minutes until golden brown (the internal temperature should register about 190-195°F/ 88-90℃ on an instant-read thermometer). Remove the buns from the oven and leave on a rack to cool.
焗爐預先預熱15分鐘至350℉/180℃,混合蛋液和牛奶,除去保鮮紙後把蛋液掃在麵糰表面,放入焗爐焗10分鐘,調低溫度至325℉/160℃,多焗5分鐘至表面金黃,麵包中心溫度達190-195°F/ 88-90℃後可取出轉移到鋼架放涼。

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