Update on Worley overtime class action case Altier vs Worley and BP- BP granted dismissal May 2011

Doing some research today, I was able to locate a May 9, 2011 court decision granting BP’s motion to be dismissed from this class action lawsuit filed by independent adjusters working BP claims through Worley adjusting firm.  Here is the link.

It is interesting to see several more independent adjuster names on the court document now as plaintiff’s…several of which I recognize from online interactions from several sites.

In another online document from a February 25, 2011 Status Conference held  involving all BP cases, they do list both Alteir vs Worley and Alteir vs Worley and BP as item number 17 on the Agenda. Here’s the link to that pdf document found online.

The website listing the status of the 368 litigation cases against Deep Water Horizen does show these two cases still open here (search alpha order for Alteir vs Worley.

While doing some online research I also came across another case in AL that includes BP and Worley as well as ESIS who BP originally assigned cases to filed with the State of AL as one of two plaintiffshere which also lists it as a RICO case as shown in this document. I will make some contacts to see if I can get more documents if they available to the public. There is a short explanation about the type of case it is in the top right corner of the pdf document. The 2nd plaintiff listed on this AL case is CMCO, LLC and here is the trademark info I found on them but no clue if this is actually the plaintiff listed on this case.

Amazingly (not) is a website which is basically an advertisement from the firm filing the class action speaking to adjusters who may have worked for Worley found here. The website for the law firm is listed on the bottom of that link along with contact information.

As far as what independent adjusters are saying,  here is a lin to a CADO forum topic where a few were discussing this case when it first hit the news.

For links to our prior posts with the original Complaint documents which explains the details of the case if you missed it, here is the link.

As we locate more documents and information we will update the information here on the blog.

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