Celebrity:What’s Considered TOO Personal??

Lately it seems that many celebrities are unable to make many moves without all eyes on them, including trips to the emergency room. Even though this has been true for many years, it seems the public has started to cross some boundaries that celebrities consider private and sacred. From Bobbi Kristina’s health being compromised in the past months, and even more recently, Tamar Braxton’s alleged short stay in the emergency room, it seems the public is extremely invested in not only knowing the state of their health, but even more so concerned with what put them there in the first place. In these two instances social media and blogs have been full of speculation on what caused the two well known celebrities to end up in hospital care. Their family, financial, marital, and even mental statuses have been questioned and analyzed. My question to my readers is, what would you guys do if a large amount of people scrutinized you during a trying and private time in your life? How would you be able to handle it? Again these blogs are not to discuss what is going on or not with the celebrities, but more so to discuss if you were in their place would you want to be treated the same? In our society it seems we are being desensitized to the boundaries that should be in place between what is to be shared for entertainment and what’s meant to be kept personal. In these cases is the quality of their talent and service to the entertainment industry compromised by us knowing such intimate details regarding their lives? If you readers can share your opinions below I’d greatly appreciate it. 🙂

One thought on “Celebrity:What’s Considered TOO Personal??

  1. I think people need to understand that celebrities are human beings. Just as we would want our personal lives to be private I am sure they would like the same thing. Especially in times of sickness and health. Society needs to separate the entertainer from the human being.

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