The Modern Eight Views of Omi 6: Wild Geese Returning Home at Katata 現代の近江八景6:堅田落雁

Author’s note: This is the sixth installment in a series about the Eight Views of Omi. (Read part five here)

Please enjoy and follow along as we deconstruct the modern-day landscape of Shiga and examine its vibrant history and culture. Thank you for reading! – Maddie

著者メモ: 近江八景にかかるシリーズの第六稿です。(第五稿はここです

現代の滋賀県の景色を解体したり、豊かな歴史と文化を調べたりしているので、楽しんで読み進めてください!ご読了ありがとうございます。 – マディ

About a thirty minute walk from the bustle of Katata Station stands Mangetsuji, the Temple of the Full Moon. Situated on the shore at the narrowest part of Lake Biwa, the silence of its temple grounds feels a world away from most of industrial Shiga. Old pine trees, their branches held up by wooden braces, stretch out over the water. A beautiful wooden building rises out of the water on stilts, connected to the shore by a wooden bridge. This is Ukimido, the Floating Pavilion.


Photo by Emily Hammond ・ 写真:エミリー・ハモンド

Mangetsuji was quiet when I arrived one Friday morning, and the day was already hot. I stopped by the temple office to pay my 300 yen entrance fee, taking the opportunity to confirm with the woman working there that I was allowed to sketch and paint within the temple grounds. (Many temples in Kyoto and Nara prohibit sketching and painting, maybe because of crowds). After I assured her that my paints were not the type that would make a mess, she said it was perfectly fine.


Before I sat down to draw, I decided to pay my respects to the pavilion itself. Halfway across the bridge, my stomach dropped as I was hit by a fierce wind. The main grounds of the temple had been completely protected, but out on the bridge I felt the full force of the continuous wind blowing south across Lake Biwa. I changed into the slippers provided in front of the pavilion, careful not to lose my balance and fall off into the water. The temple and bridge were much taller than I had anticipated, and I was surprised by how exposed and frail I felt. I was at the mercy of the wind and water, relying on the sturdiness of the old structure.


Photo by Emily Hammond ・写真:エミリー・ハモンド

Ukimido was originally built around 995 AD by a Tendai scholar named Genshin (also known as Eshin Sozu). According to legend, Genshin, looking out at night over Lake Biwa from Hieizan Enryakuji Temple, noticed a brilliant light in the water. When he went to investigate, he discovered a 54mm gold statue of Amitabha, a celestial Buddha in Mahayana Buddhism. As a memorial service to the fishes who were killed when he pulled up the statue with his net, he built another statue of Amitabha. Inside it, he placed the gold statue he had found. Genshin then proceeded to carve another one thousand small statues of Amitabha and to build Ukimido. The statues of Amitabha still stand inside the pavilion today.


Ukimido did fall into ruin at some point in time, but it was restored using a Noh Stage from the Imperial Court, gifted to the temple by Emperor Sakuramachi (1720-1750). Most recently, it was destroyed by the devastating 1934 Muroto Typhoon, but was rebuilt in its current form in 1937.



Photo by Emily Hammond ・ 写真:エミリー・ハモンド

Not surprisingly, Ukimido is featured in many works of art. In the Eight Views of Omi series, it appears in a scene showing late autumn on the lake, with a flock of wild geese returning home. Hokusai’s version shows the pavilion backed by the warm reds and purples of sunset. Nearly every iteration includes fishermen, and – by sheer luck – mine is no exception. A fishing boat carrying three people floated around the lake as I painted. In the print by Harunobu, a similar boat and arrangement of people can be seen, but they are operating their boat by paddle rather than motor.




Katata has changed and grown into a modern city, but the view of Ukimido still feels remarkably peaceful and nostalgic. With the exception of a few scattered apartment complexes and love hotels visible on the far shore of the lake, and the Biwako Ohashi Bridge in the distance (obscured in my painting by the pavilion’s walkway), I wonder if it couldn’t pass as a scene from the 19th century.


Wild Geese Returning Home at Katata by Madeline Thompson マデリン・トンプソンの堅田落雁(2017)

One of the most famous artists to visit Ukimido was the haiku poet Matsuo Bassho (1644-1694). Bassho, who spent his life wandering Japan and composing poems, wrote this collection in Katata:


“Open the lock 

let the moon shine in -

Floating Temple


How easily it rose

And now it hesitates,

The moon in clouds


Sixteenth night moon -

In the night’s darkness.”


錠あけて 月さし入れよ 浮御堂

やすやすと 出でていざよふ 月の雲

十六夜や 海老煮るほどの 宵の闇


To me, his haikus add a rawness, or sense of ordinary life, to Ukimido. I wonder where he sat when he wrote it. I can’t imagine one boiling shrimp in the temple, but perhaps from a nearby house he looked out over the water and saw the bright moon and dark outline of the floating temple. His writing also conveys – to me – some sense of the same frailness that I felt when I walked out to the temple. Even the confident, shining moon now hides behind the clouds, and this humble description of boiling shrimp in the dark reminds me of how I imagined the ukiyo-e painters shivering in the wind as they sketched the snow-covered Hira Mountains. The effort behind each beautiful piece, be it poem, print, or hand-built pavilion, is what truly carries and conveys everyday life and the human experience across time.


Click here to read the previous chapter.


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