Thoughts On…Routines (Prompt)

Ever feel like you need to get something off your chest? Sometimes I’ve just gotta talk it out. That’s why I’ve decided to do a monthly feature called “Thoughts On…” At the beginning of the month, I’ll provide a prompt to stimulate discussion. The point is to get us to put our thoughts out there – writing it all down can be quite cathartic. If you want to keep your writing private, that’s your thing and I won’t question it. If you’re ready to put it all out there, I invite you to share your thoughts in the comments. At the end of the month I’ll provide my own thoughts on the topic of the month. Think of it as a book club for writing.

thoughts on - routines - prompt

Some people thrive with a set routine while others find the confines of a super structured day suffocating.  Which one are you?

Some things to think about:

  • Does having a routine make you feel safe…or restricted?
  • Do you like routine in some areas of your life (eg: work) but not in others (eg: social life)?
  • How important is spontaneity to you?
  • Do you have any tricks for maintaining your routine?