Week through 6-14-15 Feast

House Capuchin Shield2

W Letter motifWe had a great week and it really finished up with a bang! …or a potluck… which is the same thing. 🙂

This coming week there’s no Metal Night (or at least not at Marcus’). Loren will probably continue working on his projects, but at home.

Grapes being snitched from

Grapes being snitched from

Sewing Night is going to be taken over with tagging largesse. We’ve got several sets going out in the next few weeks. We’re hoping that the Herb Bunch will be doing either lip balms or wood butters. We’ll have to see.

Marcus is going to Investiture and taking a box of goodies with him.

Project Day….well, we’ll be working on the projects that need to be done for AnTir/West War and Coronation!

Napkins! l to r - Marius, House Capuchin, Loren, Anja

Napkins! l to r – Marius, House Capuchin, Loren, Anja

Here is the direct Portfolio link which has all the past Project Day reports and all the various projects. https://housecapuchin.wordpress.com/portfolio/

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churning motifEarly Week – Loren and his bone needles…. wow…. he had about two hours Monday afternoon, and even not feeling well, just sat down and cranked one out.

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Metal Night

CHG-lNVUUAAapg6“So armor night was getting little further along. We finished the basic pattern of the armor, and we’re beginning the process for getting it wearable. It was decided that four fabric strips will run vertically down the armor, and belt can be laced through those straps so that the armor will fasten closed to the body. Then Loren and myself spent a significant amount of time shooting at bulls”. – Marcus

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Sewing Time

….started in the afternoon with Anja making waxed linen pieces for largesse. One set was cup covers and a second was for more general wrapping. a 3rd was intended to make a set for Marcus of the same fabric as his tunic, but that didn’t work quite as well as she had hoped. There’s a page here: http://wp.me/p4yKTJ-1e3 of the pictures from the project, but it’s not finished, yet.

Loren worked on needles and then a wooden toy. Marcus stitched on his tunic. Anja got two napkins hemmed when the linen pieces were done.

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Making the Pear Patina

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061315 HerbsHerb Bunch mostly processed herbs this week. We don’t have the wood butter tins and couldn’t find the lip balm containers, so we just went with drying/cleaning/processing packing of thrift, fleabane, rosemary, violets, clover, rosemary, buttercups and mugwort  …and then the rest of the day Anja was sewing and Loren was making needles.

color knot div dragon on greenRowan’s Week

“The top three – strawberry, olive and rust colored linen…..strawberry and olive done within the last 10 days, rust done day before yesterday. bottom picture blue linen that is being cut right now.” (Rowan)


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Project Day

rabbit motifAnja started her day sorting beads after being up during the night cooking the rabbit for the pies. Loren helped her clean up the workroom and then headed back to the house to find feast gear and relevant foods. Marcus was working on his pear patina.

LadyDogHoup motifWhen food arrived we got the table set and started. By 3 the pies were in and Marcus was at the store, then Rowan arrived. Skuli and Sondis got there after a bit (Couer de Val) and then past 5, Their Excellencies Tryggr and Temperence Trewelove arrived. Finally, after having had to argue with an oven that wasn’t coming up to temperature, Loren got back with the pies and we sat down to eat.

manHoup motifAfter some great conversation and good food we picked up a bit and then went back out front for more projects and talk. Rowan went in back and sorted out Anja’s heavy-duty sewing machine, but the Janome needs more work. We all finally wound down and Loren and Anja were locking up at 11pm.

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food veggies motifMenu

  • Grapes
  • Sniff of lamb stew – Anja & Loren
  • Rabbit pie – Anja & Loren
  • Pickled eggs – Anja and the Duckmeister
  • Pickled beans – Anja
  • Pickled asparagus – Anja (at Rowan’s request)
  • Pickled spicy garlic – Marcus
  • Garlic-stuffed green olives – Marcus
  • Cucumbers in dill yogurt and sour cream – Anja
  • Pear Patina – Marcus
  • Cheese – Anja
  • Breads & Butter – Loren, Rowan, Marcus
  • Comfits

color knot div dragon on greenFeast – ...and we had a good time! l-r Marcus, Rowan being Rowan, Loren, Temperence, Tryggr, Sondis, Skuli. Anja was taking the pic, of course. …and used the napkins!

061415 Feast Folks

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Funnies and Miscellaneous pix

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A 5-part (links at end of each part for the next) on Casting in soapstone http://eirny.com/2015/02/16/casting-metal-soapstone-molds-part-1/ 

A wonderful article on easy hem-stitching – http://germanrenaissance.net/drawn-thead-work-the-hemstitch-tutorial/

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Loren, Marcus, Anja, Herb Bunch, Rowan, Skuli, Sondis, Temperence, Tryggr

divider black grey greek key

Largesse Item Count – 

  • ASXLVII = 24
  • ASXLVIII = 88
  • ASXLIX = 794
  • ASL = ?? plus 93 pouch, 2 dolls, 3 gnomes, 15 sachets, 3 bowls, 20 needlecases (not counting with needles), 3 sets waxed linen (7 pieces), 3 wooden animals
  • Marcus pins = 119, needles = 88, hook&eye = 100
  • Loren needles – bone needles 13, bone fids 1
  • Total as a Household = 906 handed in

moving writing pen motifIn ministerio autem Somnium! Anja, graeca doctrina servus to House Capuchin
Page Created 6/9/15 & published ??/??/?? (C)M. Bartlett
Last updated 10/20/15

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