ISIS Is Contained!

Just hours after proclaiming that “ISIS is contained,” President Obama was again proven wrong about the War on Terror (that he refuses to name as such) when Islamic jihadists conducted a devastating 9/11-style attack on Paris.

ISIS contained

(Our hearts and prayers go out to the people of Paris, the French people, and all those affected by this attack.)

The JV team has vexed this administration, which refuses to recognize the evil of Islamic jihad. Instead, the Obama administration targets law-abiding Americans, conservatives, and Christians, and anyone but jihadists!

Obama suggests that this evil which must be defeated can be assuaged by welfare or through diplomacy. Obama’s agenda appears designed solely to appease and submit to Islamists!

Will Obama continue to claim that America has never been stronger and that we are not at war with jihadists? Will he still boast of not having a strategy? Will he continue to ignore terrorism in America’s homeland?

President Francois Hollande has the right idea. He declared that his nation would “be merciless toward the barbarians of Islamic State group” promising to “act by all means anywhere, inside or outside the country.”

Headline: “A nightmare in Paris, an attack on the world.”

The last time Paris was attacked, Obama skipped a gathering of world leaders to watch TV. Will he go to Paris this time?

Vive la France!

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