The perfect date with my little man


Before I went back to work, sprog and I went to rhyme time every Thursday at the library. Before I went back to work, sprog and I had quality one-to-one time together without any stresses.

Now I’m back at work, we don’t often get that and I really miss going to our groups and seeing our mummy friends. I really miss the ease of our days without having to worry about whether my lessons are planned, whether my marking is done, whether Joe Bloggs is going to make expected progress and if not, what am I going to do about it.

But the library seems to have a magical hold other both sprog and I. We went this morning, just the two of us. We strolled up to the library in the sunshine after his morning nap. When we got there, we headed straight to the children’s section, we unbunkled the pram and he was off. As time has gone on, we’ve left various levels of chaos behind us. Today, he sat on the little soft cushions and ate his grapes so very sensibly. Then came the rice cakes, this particular kind is not to be purchased again as they have a particularly bright orange on one side which when sucked a little by a small person is easily smeared all over everything.. Including me! The library is the only place we go when I make sure that I have a muslin in the bag as I’m paranoid about him spreading his snacks all over the books!

But when we are at the library there’s a beautiful peace. The ladies there are always happy to see such a little person at the library. When we go we have time to sit together, to read, to walk around and to simply ‘exist’ together in a very simple and special way.

When we leave I feel refreshed and rejuvenated. I feel reconnected with my lovely little man. I feel that we have shared something wonderful together. The library is our little safe haven and our special place.

5 thoughts on “The perfect date with my little man

  1. Lovely post. It’s nice to have quality time spent together doing something out the house. I’ve actually never take. Amelia to the library apart from the wriggle and rhyme we used to do! Might have to take a trip next week!!
    Thanks for linking up and hopefully see you again!! #mummymonday (co-host) x

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