Letter of Address to Undergraduate Population

Hey Dons!

I am honored and privileged to serve you, the undergraduate population as the ASUSF Senate President. I am entering my 7th semester in Senate and I am excited to challenge myself in this new role as a resource, support and advocate for your concerns.

I’ve seen new leadership in student organizations, faculty and staff, passionate issues that have been raised by students, an outcry about Bon Appetit food services and a need to raise awareness about the demand for adequate resources that would support our diverse student body at USF. I think that the biggest question is how I can best represent the student body.

Beyond the title of President, I’ve challenged myself in Senate for the past three years. In my first year on Senate, I represented the students with disabilities. In that position, I sat on the Disabilities Inclusive Committee with Student Disabilities Services to implement evacuation plans and mechanics in high traffic stairwells and buildings for a safer and efficient process for when emergencies arise. I was then elected as Sophomore Class Representative and continued on to Vice President of Internal Affairs and today, ASUSF Senate President. If you were to strip away my physical appearance, you will see that I represent numerous populations on campus. I am a college student. I understand the need for efficient academic services in order to promise graduation in four years. I am an out of state student. I am a First Generation College student and English is my second language. I am a Pell Grant recipient and hope to work on ways to retain students financially. I hope to take my story and background to challenge myself and others to advocate for those needs.

These past years, we’ve talked about food services, public safety around campus and diversity. I hope to continue that dialogue and move forward. Most important, I hope to advocate WITH students, clubs and organizations, not just FOR them. I enjoy collaborative efforts with other members because I am not USF, we are USF.

As always, I am open to learning more from my constituents. The best way to contact me is by sending an email to ehlong@dons.usfca.edu. Eva Long ASUSF Senate President

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