The Ominous Six

This is a flash fiction six word story, for the writing challenge of the week.


Move before death comes, skies alight


Feel free to comment and let me know what you think or what came to your mind while reading. Six words is tough… I must say, but I have a feeling I will be posting more soon enough.  It’s just too much fun to try and get something across with so little to work with, an awesome creative challenge.

5 thoughts on “The Ominous Six

  1. Pingback: Obsolete/Saying Goodbye | Mayur Wadhwani's Blog

  2. Pingback: on your marks | litadoolan

  3. Pingback: A key, a whistle and a Post-it. | chey being

  4. Pingback: The Orange Suit | Flying On Empty Thoughts

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