Coulter’s Genetic Superiority

Donald Trump’s ascendancy to the presidency gives legitimacy to – and greatly empowers – the Alt-Right.


Ensconced in the White House, the nativist Alt-Right will seek to transform America into its own image.

In a stunning interview with Iain Dale of Britain’s LBC, Coulter claimed that “We’re a colony of yours.”

Coulter then asserted, “Most of us have a lot of British ancestry.” Coulter amplified what she regards as a “special relationship” with Britain that, “of course our two countries are very similar in culture, I mean, down to the genes.” (For years, Coulter has entertained the notion of WASP superiority – at a genetic level.)

It is not surprising that the high priestess of the Alt-Right lauds Trump’s decision to elevate Alt-Right guru Stephen Bannon as his chief strategist. Coulter told Howie Carr, “I think it’s quite brilliant.” She added, “I’m very impressed with Trump and this decision.”

Of course she is. In the end, Coulter and the Alt-Right seek to remake America into a white, WASP nation. Hence their obsession with race.

[A new book, #NeverTrump: Coulter’s Alt-Right Utopia, sheds some light on the #OnlyTrump movement and its Alt-Right constituency. It is now available on Amazon at]

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