Ann Coulter’s Upside Down World

Erstwhile ultra-conservative Ann Coulter now worships faux conservative Donald Trump as her Savior and claims genuine conservatives are traitors. (It used to be she called liberals traitors; now it’s conservatives!)

Upside Down World

An avowed pro-lifer, Coulter has berated and defamed pro-lifers for nearly two decades.

A fierce opponent of Obamacare, now Coulter is ready to embrace Trumpcare.

Once an advocate for federalism and limited government, Coulter now shills for a statist who would wield his own pen and a phone.

A self-proclaimed constitutional attorney, Coulter defames the only constitutionalist running for president while championing the only “Republican” running against the Constitution.

A virulent anti-immigration, anti-amnesty activist, Coulter defends Trump who did and does support amnesty. This is Coulter’s signature issue – her obsession – and she backs someone who unquestionably supports amnesty while she continually thinks he doesn’t.

Coulter is lost in her own little world into which she won’t allow reality to enter.

Who is really surprised? Coulter has been supporting RINOs and spouting propaganda for years. Now she has gone incredibly far over the edge, losing more and more credibility.

Will the real Ann Coulter please stand up!

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