Only One Admits to Being a RINO

Ann Coulter proves daily her true identity as a RINO.

Coulter lionizes Mitt Romney, vilifies the Tea Party, and dismisses the Republican presidential field as a “joke.” For Coulter, Romney is the only possible choice.[1]


Coulter has again identified Romney as “the most conservative candidate we’ve had to run for President,” even “more conservative than Reagan.”[2] Gushing, Coulter contended, “Mitt Romney was not only the most articulate but the most conservative candidate we’ve ever had.”[3]

Coulter has a plan to achieve her goal: “My plan is still that Romney comes in at the end when conservatives realize that they were lied to by many of their own alleged spokesmen.” How, exactly, this is a “plan,” could be called her plan, and could be accomplished by Coulter has never been explained.

On Sean Hannity’s radio show, Coulter insisted that, in the end, Romney will be the GOP nominee for president in 2016. She boasts, “I’m waiting for Republicans to wake up and realize that Romney was the best they ever had and beg him to get back into the race.”[4]

Coulter blamed the Tea Party and Sarah Palin for Romney declaring that he would not run, saying, “He said ‘No’ because he can’t fight both the New York Times and Sarah Palin.”

Coulter again besmirched those conservatives opposed to Romney, claiming, “You were lied to, right-wingers. You were lied to by people who care more about their careers and think it’s somehow ‘pure’ to run someone who’s a loser.” Coulter continued to berate “alleged right-wingers who go around claiming he was a RINO.”

Romney is a RINO.

Sean Hannity was perplexed by Coulter’s refusal to support any candidate but Romney, saying, “This is you. No matter what I say, you’re gonna say, ‘Mitt Romney.’ He’s not running.”

On Hannity’s television show, Coulter again promoted Romney for president. A puzzled Hannity pointed out that Romney was not running. Coulter reiterated, “I think he’s gonna jump back in when people realize [interrupted].”

Besmirching Republicans everywhere, Coulter claimed, “the only possible candidate who isn’t a joke right now is Scott Walker [as Vice President with Romney as President].”

Coulter was so confident in her analysis and predictions, that she boasted, “And you’ll see! Ann is going to be right. You’ll apologize.”[5]

If neither Romney nor Walker won the nomination, Coulter said “I’ll take a long vacation,” prompting Hannity to ask, “You’re that rigid now?”

Three years after Romney’s disastrous defeat – foisted on America in large part due to Coulter’s incessant proselytizing for Romney and demonization of Romney’s conservative opponents – Coulter remains in denial over that debacle and the part she played in reelecting Obama in 2012.

Moreover, Coulter is employing the very same techniques now that she did then: lionize Romney and demonize the Tea Party. All while denying that she and Romney are, in fact, RINOs.


[1]               See “Coulter Stumps for Romney – Again!” at

[2]               Ann Coulter, Joyce Kaufman Show, WFTL, 5/8/15.

[3]               Ann Coulter, Hannity, FNC, 5/11/5.

[4]               Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity Show, Premiere Radio Networks, 3/4/15.

[5]               Ann Coulter, Hannity, FNC, 5/11/5.

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