Sharing Morocco: Eid Kabir & Southern Tour


Last month, my mom came to visit—she was our first visitor and the first to show off our wonderful community here and the beautiful country we are lucky to call home. She arrived on the busiest travel day of the year. The combination of train and bus delays, lots of luggage, language barrier and no cell phone could have been quite the disaster—but she learned quick how quick Moroccans are to help strangers. When she finally arrived to Essaouira, we whisked her off to the countryside for the largest Muslim holiday of the year. Eid a l-Adha or Eid Kabir, the holiday of sacrifice celebrates the servitude of Abraham and his willingness to sacrifice his first born Ismail for god. As the story goes, at the last minute an angel stopped Abraham and gave him a sheep instead–Humdullah (praise god). Now, Muslims all over the world slaughter animals of their own, usually sheep or goats but sometimes cows and we have even heard camels. But the most common is by far a sheep or goat.

Our host family with the sheep that would soon be sacrificed for the biggest Muslim holiday of the year.

Our host family with the sheep that would soon be sacrificed for the biggest Muslim holiday of the year.

After we watched our family and the extended family slaughter, bleed and skin their sheep we proceeded to eat it. We barbecued the liver, heart and lungs first. Shortly after that we had full tagines (plural because each family within the greater family killed and shared their own animal) of apricot, almonds and meat (not exactly sure what part of the beast these were made out of). A couple hours and a nap after this, we ate the hoofs and head which had been steamed and dressed with onion, cilantro, cumin, and salt. This went on in much the same fashion for the next three days.

We returned to Essaouira painfully full, tried to relax, readjusted our backpacks and left for Marrakech the next day. We were in a bit of a time crunch considering our work schedule. We spent the night with a friend in Marrakech, and left for a three-day tour through the south of Morocco at 7:30 the following morning. We had not been to the south yet and were hesitant with going through a tour company–but it is the way to go if you want to see a lot and only have a short amount of time. Much of the time was spent in the car, but the views out the window made the drive go by quickly:

The tour took us through many of the iconic Moroccan images: massive gorges, lush oases, narrow switched mountain roads and eventually, the deep dunes of the Sahara. The first night was spent in a sky lodge type hotel in the Dadas Gorge and the second under the stars. We climbed atop camels at the sandy edge, lurched up and wobbled out into the desert as the sun went down. We ate and watched the nearly full moon rise and glow like the forty watt reading lamp after the world’s overhead was flipped off. We drank tea and talked quietly as the guides lit a fire and drummed for what must have been for them just another trip, just another night, like the one they had a couple days before and the one they will have a couple days after, but for us it was special and unlike anything previously comparable.


**Looking for a good tour from Marrakech to the south? The tour that we used was great, but next time we will go with our good friend and great guide Omar at Fikra Travel and so should you!

5 thoughts on “Sharing Morocco: Eid Kabir & Southern Tour

  1. Dear Kabir & Olivia, When I saw the picture of you and Cedar I had to smile. also a few tears ;>) happy ones for her and for you. We are so lucky to have this woman in our lives! I’m sorry I wasn’t there to be with you. You and Olivia are very special people. I’m grateful you met each other and proud to be your father. Hope to see you before your time is over. Please give your Moroccan family my love. Blessings always, dad

    “I am not called to do great things, only little things with great love.” M. Theresa

  2. Greetings from OHio!!! Wow what gorgeous pictures….especially love the one with Olivia digging into the head of the sheep! You both are amazing…When I read your posts, I am amazed at everything you both are doing…all the great new experiences! keep the posts coming, love them. Love ya both, Aunt Mary Jo

    Date: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 13:49:47 +0000 To:

  3. I love the pictures as well. I am so glad that you have company and at such a wonderful time. It is truly a beautiful country. I am so happy for you both. The South is absolutely breathtaking. I am envious of Cedar! Thanks for keeping us up to date.

  4. Olivia, Just want to say Hello. We are preparing for Christmas and I am putting together a photo book of memories of grandma and grandpa. I so often remember how they were so proud of what you are doing. Take care and hope to “see” you on Christmas.
    Love, Aunt Joanne

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