Weekly forecast for February 22-28, 2016. ~Contributed by Hillory Skott

Weekly forecast for February 22-28, 2016.
~Contributed by Hillory Skott

Monday PST the moon is full in discriminating Virgo.  Order the abode.
File it away. List your wishes.  Virgo is an expert organizer. Virgo can
choose to heal. Heal what ails you and your loved ones. Your ability to
see the details is heightened now. Your capacity to offer your service
increases. By week’s end the Sun will slide alongside Neptune fogging
up your certainty.  Now is not the time to know , it is time to be, to float,
and wonder aimlessly through your imagination.  The timeto act will follow.

At 10:20 am PST the Virgo Full Moon will be exact.  If you look back to
September 2015 you may see a connection to what is going on around
you now.  Full Moons help us wrap up and let go. A Virgo full moon is
perfect for cleaning out all the nooks and crannies in your life. You might
feel like a maniac with your passion for order and renewal. Go with it.
You might even pull an all nighter and create total organi zation after
years of disorder. Fun!

?The Virgo Full Moon energy is perfect for eliminating whatever is hindering
you.  Your body is important. Health is Wealth.  Insights about what needs
to go in your diet and routines will be accurate. You should follow any ideas
you have to improve your health. Virgo is like natural remedy wizard.
Natural healing in general. There is a refined sense of what is healing
and what is harmful.  Healing often ta kes your participation.  Changes in
routine and diet can assist you in accessing your full and total energy.
Popping a pill is rarely the answer. Whereas daily stretching and healing
meditations very well could be.  Whatever nurturing effort you make will
pay you back tenfold.  Enjoy refining the program.  We are all being gifted
grace through ease of change.

After this fruitful full moon, you may find yourself slipping into the fog as
Neptune is opposite the whole show and the sun is about to join the dreamy
escape artist Neptune. Though there is much clarity with Virgo, which is the
opposite of Pisces ruled Neptune.  Pisces can see the unfathomable whole.
The great beyond. Visions of past, future and parallel lives are not unusual.

So make the most of this weeks end retreat. This most healing.
Your energy will be highly productive when you have time alone
to dream and reflect. Your dreams may be particularly vivid – they
are there to guide and inspire you.  Your connection to loved ones
on the other side will be clear. But your ability to communicate what
you are experiencing may not be. Don’t rush it.

By March 19th when the Sun goes into Aries, and Spring begins the
real New Year the pace will change dramatically. For now rest and
nurture yourself. Indulge in long hot baths. Get lost in a movie or book.
Make art. Your Soul is most happy creating. Participate by creating.
Life needs your contribution.

~Contributed by Hillory Skott


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Karen & Salma

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