Whole 30 :: days 1-7

Day 1:

Breakfast: bacon, egg, avo and pumpkin hash

Lunch: tuna, egg, avo, potato, sweet potato, pumpkin hash

Dinner: pork chops with date and orange sauce, zucchini and broccolini

Thoughts: I ate LOADS today. Couldn’t stop snacking all good stuff, but still. Hungry, hungry hippo. Actually that’s not true; just mindless eating. I’m wondering if I’ll be able to commit as I’m approaching this in a very easy going gentle way. Time will tell!

Day 2:

Breakfast: green smoothie (spinach, avo, coconut oil, pear, celery, ginger) plus egg, avo, potato, sweet potato, pumpkin hash

Lunch: stuffed portobello mushrooms with tuna, pumpkin, sweet potato, potato, spinach, capsicum, zucchini and tomato, topped with almond meal and grilled

Dinner: pork and apple sausage and balsamic-roasted cherry tomato zucchini ‘pasta’

Thoughts: I’ve been full today. Couldn’t finish lunch, not hungry after dinner. Drinking a few cups of tea a day with coconut milk. Not drinking enough water. One small snack of a handful of almonds. Didn’t need it, but they were there! A few food habits to break, me thinks.

Day 3:

Breakfast: tea with coconut milk, apple, leftover sausage pasta with added pumpkin

Lunch: tuna, salmon and mixed veggie hash with avo on top

Dinner: Sticky Dukkah Chicken Thighs

Thoughts: I woke up hungry this morning and after half an hour of reading in bed with Miss2 I was STARVING. As in low sugar level, heady, shaky starving. I made a massive mug of tea and poured a very goodly portion of coconut milk in and chugged it down, with an apple chaser for a quick sugar release. This gave me the energy to breastfeed the little one and get me through til I could heat up my breaky. I’ve read about women having milk supply issues when doing Whole 30, so have been making an effort to have sweet and/or white potato with most meals to boost carbs and I’m taking a breast feeding support tablet just in case.

Day 4:

Breakfast: Sweet Potato, Apple and Pancetta Hash with a fried egg and tea with coconut milk

Lunch: leftover Sticky Dukkah Chicken Thighs sliced and hashed up with butternut pumpkin, capsicum and baby spinach

Dinner: Asian style beef mince, carrot, capsicum and broccoli stitfry (inspired by (It Starts with Food’).

Thoughts: according to the Whole 30 website, for many people day 4 is really tough. I’ve been great today! Went to the gym to do some work experience hours and ended up doing an hour long strength class. Bought a tin of tuna to boost my protein and had a good lunch when I got home. No headaches, no fatigue, no desire to punch anyone in the head (yep, apparently that’s a thing!).

Day 5:

Breakfast: leftover asian mince with sweet potato and egg

Lunch: Quick Salmon Patties (with added sweet potato) with baby spinach and Nashi pear salad and dukkah

Dinner: (mostly) pumpkin soup with an egg poached in it and topped with crispy bacon and sage

Late snack: I was shaky nauseous starving at 930pm so finished off the chicken from a couple of days ago.

Thoughts: feeling good again today. A little weary, and struggled to get out of bed but no less energy than usual and no adverse feelings! Had an orange after lunch, which was delish. So far my milk supply seems to be just fine, however I’ve noticed that bub’s poos have become really loose and smelly. I guess he’s adjusting to the increased fibre and decreased bread! Also with the sheer volume of foodie eating I suspect his little nine month old gut is adjusting. And that late night hunger was odd. Felt much better after polishing off the dukkah chicken.

Day 6:

Breakfast: scrambled eggs with capsicum, baby spinach, mushroom, coconut milk and a side of baked sweet potato

Lunch: fire baked spud stuffed with savoury mince (ground beef, capsicum, tomato, zucchini, red onion, herbs) and topped with dessicated coconut

Dinner: salmon fillet with braised garlic kale, parsnip fries, carrot, snow peas

Snacks: almonds, sliced apple, snow peas, strawberries

Thoughts: tired and cranky today. Not overly tired, but more weary than normal, and snappy, espcially at Miss 2. Maybe this was my version of day 4/5 ‘kill all the things’. And I had a very VERY vivid dream last night. Guess I’m just all over the shop!!

Day 7:

Breakfast: leftover savoury mince with baked sweet potato

Lunch: (nearly) Niçoise salad

Dinner: lamb cutlets with cauliflower and potato mash, carrots and braised greens

Snacks: orange, boiled egg

Thoughts: Again a bit tricky to get out of bed this morning (rough night with L didn’t help), but once I was up I was fine. Despite being generally fatigued I had no energy slumps or spikes which was nice. I went for a run this afternoon and that felt good!

DAY SEVEN! Woot! So far so good. The biggest change for me is breakfast – I’m usually a weetbix/porridge/eggs kinda girls so hot breakfasts every day is a welcome change. Breakfast has always been my favourite eating out meal though so it’s absolutely not a drama to be cooking up or reheating something every morning. The fact that it often looks like last nights dinner is takes a bit of adjusting to, but otherwise all good!

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Two Beautiful Bunnies

I'm a mama to two beautiful babies. I have started this blog to gather my thoughts and try to improve who I am as a person but particularly as a mother, wife, daughter and sister.